Author's Note- 3

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Hi guys!

Over 400 reads and 80 votes?! I actually can't believe it. *Moriarty voice* Thank you. Bless you.

I also want to say thank you all for your lovely reviews and comments, they've really kept me going on with this.

Just mentioning this for those who have read it already- I've added a couple of sentences to the crime scene in the most recent chapter- though only two, they're vital to the murder. See if you can spot them, and maybe attempt an early stage deduction.

I'm currently writing the conclusion to the mystery (but not to the book! I still have a lot of scores to settle before I move on to the sequel, after all. Yes, there will be a sequel. "I can see it all like a map inside my head.")

Again, thanks so much! I love you all! 

~ SherlockedDoors

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now