Chapter Twelve- Rise and Shine, Felonious

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The art of disguise is knowing how to hide in plain sight.

- Sherlock Holmes himself

A/N- Hello everyone! I want to thank you all so much for 350+ reads and nearly 60 votes, all in the space of a week! You've all given me such lovely reviews- it's the best birthday present I could ever receive! Here is an extra-long chapter, with a 'surprise' at the end for those of you who haven't deduced what Sherlock has on his mind yet. I think it will be as good if you have guessed though, anyway. I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've loved writing this, and there's still much more to come! Please comment and vote if you have!

I love you all like John loves Jam!

~ SherlockedDoors


I was woken up by a knocking on the door of the hotel room. Sighing, I nudged John awake, threw on my dressing gown and answered it, checking the watch I had left on my wrist- 5:13am- hang on, what? I opened the door a crack to see Lestrade's face peeping through.

"Morning, Sherlock," he yawned.

"We were sleeping," I notified him irritably.

"Yes, Sherlock, but this is, very important, umm...-" He fumbled with his speech.

"What is it, Greg?!"

"A murder, Sherlock. There's been another one."

John was standing next to me now, hair ruffled and eyes narrow with sleep, though they opened more to the announcement of the killing, as did mine.


"The police just found her in an alley up the road near the Bogiez Rock Club- just up the road from here. This one was strangled, barely an hour dead. The killer made a quick slip."

"Mm-hm- similar circumstances to the others then, I'll take it. Intoxicated?"

"Definitely- she'd been binge drinking. Tom said that she reeked of vodka and strong stuff like that."

"I'll meet you there in a few minutes. Bring Molly, she might be of help."

"How romantic..."

"Bye, Greg."

John waved at him as I closed the door. "Coming with me?"

"Do you even have to ask?" He smiled sleepily. We changed into some fresh clothes and wrapped up before venturing as silent as possible out of our hotel room, down the elevator and out of the lobby which was still dark. It didn't take us long to find the crime scene- there was tape everywhere and police cars flashing into the night. I could feel the adrenaline getting to work and my pulse accelerate- Sherlock Holmes, back at the crime scene.

I lifted the tape up for John and me to pass under, and met Lestrade on the other side amongst a team of other policemen scurrying around, looking at us newcomers curiously. He led us over to the corpse of the young girl, before handing me plastic gloves which I put on.

What struck me first was that her clothes weren't provocative at all- she was wearing jeans, a long sleeved shirt and a sensible coat. Her shoes were a flat pair of sneakers and she only wore the slightest bit of make-up. There were marks on her wrist, notifying that she had been working at a desk lately, possibly preparing for exams- respectful student, not the usual type to come here. Somebody had convinced her.

She lay on her side and the finger marks on her neck were quite visible, but there was something that didn't quite add up- I knelt down and moved her carefully onto her back, before nodding to myself. Two hickeys, one on either side. I looked closer- the shapes of the lips that had inflicted the bruises were from two different mouths. They were fresh, and she definitely didn't join in with the nightlife on a regular basis, so these were both inflicted tonight. I touched one with a gloved finger and brought it to my eye- dry. The other one was still wet, the slightest bit of saliva on it. This had been the killer. I brought my finger to my nose- he had been sober at the time.

Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now