Instead of Rascal, Bruha, Brute, and Ulric having to collect negative energy and find the Miracle Jewel to revive their master again they seek the help of his daughter, Nicole Garder.
But the Glitter Force are also trying to revive Queen Euphoria w...
My headphones blared into my ears but in their defense I turned them up that loud. I walked up the hill to my house as I did every day when I had school. It wasn't a super long walk but it wasn't exactly a short one either, but it was nice to listen to music after a long day in school.
Oh! Maybe I should explain... everything. I'm Nicole Garder and I'm thirteen years old... I think. No one actually knows when I was born but they guessed I was born either September 15, 16, 17, or 18 2003. I was found in a park one day they took a guess okay! Any way as you can guess I don't know my birth parents so I went to an adoption agency but according to my adoptive parents I wasn't there long. Apparently I was only at the agency for a few weeks before they adopted me.
So here I am thirteen years later with Kathy Garder and Alex Garder and they're the best parents (adoptive or otherwise) anyone could ask for. They also told me I had stuff with me when I was found. They said I had a name tag that said Nicole, a pack of cards that said from Dad, and a storybook that said from Mom. Weird thing is though I've never been able to find them online or anywhere for that matter, but that just makes them all the more special. But the storybook... changes sometimes. Nothing is erased but stuff is added in it sometimes. I've never told my adoptive parents about it, but I hope to one day find out how it does it.
As I reached my front door I pulled my key out from my backpack and stepped inside as always but... something felt off, like I was being watched. I tried to shake it off though because first I have a very wild imagination and second I didn't see anyone or anything. So I just continued on and started unloading the dishwasher but I couldn't shake the feeling which put me on edge which I hated.
After I finished unloading the dishwasher I walked back to my room to begin my homework. I went to grab my pencil but when I turned around I saw a joker kind of guy. He looked to be about six feet tall and was pretty skinny. His hair was pulled into three pigtails and he was as pale as me. The top half of his face was covered by a white mask and his eyes were all black. His outfit was basically all white and he wore some accessories such as a spiky purple poncho, a gold belt, and long purple leg warmers.
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"Who are you? How'd you get in here?!" I yelled at him. This was the first time someone had broken into my house but I wasn't going to show my nervousness to him. "Don't pretend with me, Nicole. I know you're terrified." He said... while inspecting cards! "Hey give me back my cards!" I yelled at him. I grabbed for my cards but he blasted his cards at me and I flew onto my bed and was knocked out.
My eyes slowly drifted open and I saw the joker dude surveying my room. He must have felt me watching him because he twirled around in glee. "Oh great, you're awake!" He said with joy. I pushed myself up to a somewhat sitting position. "Who are you some kind of joker guy?" I asked. "Close but no cigar," He began to bow, "The name's Rascal, actually." My brows slid together and I pulled myself back an inch. "So if you don't mind me asking, what are you?" I asked. He stared down at me and did a backflip. "I'm friends with your father." Rascal said full of joy mainly because he twirled around. My eyes grew wide and my mouth fell open. How could he know my dad? I don't even know what he looks like. "How do you know my dad?" I asked still in shock. "Let's just say I'm his second in command. Ahahahahahaha." He replied... kind of. I wondered what he meant by that but I guessed he wouldn't tell me. I mean he did break into my house. But before I could say anything else I heard banging at my window. I looked over at Rascal to see if he'd object to me opening the window but he just glared at the window. Interesting. I walked over to the window and saw a tiny white... thing. It had yellow fluffy hair with pink little bows holding it in little buns. It also had pink cheeks and pink and yellow hearts on it's head. It looked like something you'd buy at Toys R Us.
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I went to open the window but glanced back at Rascal one last time. His expression hadn't changed, one well Y.O.L.O. As soon as I opened the window it jumped into my room. "YOU CAN'T LISTEN TO HIM HE'S TRYING TO WAKE UP HIS MASTER AGAIN!" She screamed. I went to pick her up (her voice was high so I was guessing it was a girl) but before I could she was surrounded by cards. Not mine so I guessed they were Rascal's. "NO NOT AGAIN!" She yelled. The next thing I knew the little... thing (I didn't know what else to call her) was in Rascal's hand. "Wait what are you doing?!" I asked taking a step in his direction. "Oh just getting rid of the noise." He said while adding a smirk. We were pretty similar... it was weird. Click. Click. Oh no. "You guys gotta hide." I said my voice forced to a whisper. Rascal squinted at me but his cards surrounded him and he disappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief and ran to the front door. "Hi Mom." I said opening the door for her. My adoptive Mom was a fairly tall and skinny woman with pin straight red hair and light tan skin. She was a fifth grade teacher so everyday when she came home she'd be carrying loads of tests and homework.
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"Hey Nicole." Mom replied as she walked to her office to set her bags on her desk. She pulled my hair off my forehead so she could kiss it. "How was your day?" Mom asked. No matter how bad of a day she had she was always cheerful. I've never understood why. "Good. How was your's?" I asked her. "Same as always. Any homework?" She asked. "Unfortunately." I sighed. Mom laughed. "Welp I'll let you work." I went to kiss her cheek. "Thanks sweetheart." She said. I went to walk over to my room and considered shutting my door but decided against it since I never do.
Rascal reappeared with... the thing still in his hand but now he was covering her mouth. Good thing because she was squirming beyond belief. "Ok you guys have to be quiet. My Mom's home amd she can't know you're here." I took a deep breath. "Rascal you can put her down now." He squinted at me but... obeyed! The thing ran over to me and I held a finger to my mouth. "You can't listen to him! You can't go to the Shadow Realm with him!" She whisper yelled. "Why would I go there with him?" I asked in a hushed voice trying to show her the correct volume to talk at. "Because he wants you to help him revive his Master!" She whisper yelled... again. I guess my hushed voice didn't teach her anything. I looked up at Rascal. "Your Master?" I asked. A sinister smile covered his face. It made me almost smirk... almost. "Yes... but he's your father."