Chapter 13

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Time seemed to slow around me. I could no longer think straight. How could I decide this? I was only thirteen years old how could I decide the fate of basically the world. I may be being dramatic but it felt like a hundred pounds were being balance on my shoulders. Time slowly came back and I looked from the black paint to the Glitter Force in front of me. I thought of my mother who the Glitter Force was fighting for. I thought about my father who Rascal and the others were fighting for. I sighed making my final decision. Once and for all. I know I already told myself that I couldn't turn back on my gut decision but I had to make that decision very quickly that day. So I finally made the last decision I needed to. My mother versus my father. I could only help one. I knew that. So I looked at the book in my left hand and the paint in my right. I closed my eyes and made my decision.

The book was now open and I crushed the paint before quickly smearing it over two pages. The world around me changed from green grass and blue skies to deep purple skies and black grass. I would have been more thrilled with the color changes, since purple and black are my favorite colors, but I was shocked at what I'd done and what happened because of that. I took a deep breath and looked at the Glitter Force. I truly didn't understand them because none of them looked angry. I couldn't quite tell what they were feeling but I couldn't let that distract me. I had a job to do and I was going to do that.

"Wait!" Emily yelled and my attention snapped up to her.

"What now?" Rascal asked sounding annoyed.

"Nicole, we don't have to fight." She said ignoring Rascal.

"She's right! We understand you're confused. We aren't that different from you!" Chloe said joining in.

"Help us help your mom." April said as I closed my eyes. I clenched my fists and summoned the black nose.

"I already made my decision." I said my voice now completely lost of emotion. I raised the nose toward the sky and yelled.

"Come on out, Twilight Buffoon!" Next thing I knew the tree growing next to me disappeared and reappeared with a face, arms, and legs. The transformation shocked me but my expression didn't change.

"What now?" I asked without looking up at Rascal.

"Take control of the Twilight Buffoon." He said simply. I quickly did so and looked at the Glitter Force.

"Oh no!" I heard Candy yell and next thing I knew I swung the Buffoon's arm causing the Glitter Force to jump to avoid it.

"Guess we're really doing this." April said. The battle seemed to last for only a few seconds and it didn't seem any different from what I heard the others yell about. They fought and they lost. The Twilight Buffoon wasn't as powerful as I thought it was.

I slowly woke up and I realized I was back in my room in the Shadow Realm. I had no memory of what had happened after the fight. Only darkness. I slowly stood up and left my room as I held my aching head. Looking around I didn't see anyone. Not Ulric. Not Brute. Not Brooha. Not Rascal. It wasn't strange to not see anyone there, but having just been unconscious it was slightly alarming. I walked around to clear my mind and see if I could find anyone to tell me what had happened.

After walking around for a while I neared a large porch and I heard talking. It was quiet at first but then the voice became clear. It was Rascal.

"You fools must be wondering why I'm giving you another chance. You certainly don't deserve it. But lucky for you there's been a development. You see, I've finally found the Miracle Jewel!" 

"You did?!" The three others exclaimed.

"Sometimes I impress myself. It took a real stroke of genius to see that it was right in front of us all along." Rascal said and then I heard Emily's voice.

"Candy! What happened?"

"That's right, that obnoxious little pixie is the Miracle Jewel. The jewel that can grant any wish! The ultimate weapon is at last within our reach!" He exclaimed.

"So you want me to go down there and grab the jewel, is that it?" Ulric asked.

"Don't be ridiculous fleabag, he's asking me to do it, right, Rascal?" Brute asked.

"You're both ridiculous! This is a job for a witch!" Brooha exclaimed.

"I really admire your enthusiasm. Especially since this mission could well be the last you ever go on."

"Meaning what exactly?" Ulric asked.

We're trying something a little different. This time, instead of a Twilight Buffoon, the Black Nose will summon a Twilight version of yourselves. It's kind of an experiment. It could be dangerous." Rascal said and I heard the others gasp.

"Oh, come on. What happened to that gung-ho fighting spirit? Think how much negative energy you could collect, the three of you working together! What do you say? Are you on board? Or do you want to go back to being what you were before? Well?"

"Yeah, we'll do it." Ulric said.

"Hm?" Brute asked.

"What?" Brooha asked.

"Wise decision. Good luck." Rascal said.

"Hope I don't regret this." Ulric said.

"You kiddin'? I'm already regretting it." Brute said.

"It's not like we have much choice, do we?" Brooha asked.

"Now listen up. You three take care of the Glitter Force and leave the rest to me, including the Miracle Jewel. Together we'll make this the day we finally see our master revived." Rascal said.

Miracle Jewel? What's a Miracle Jewel? Is Candy really a Miracle Jewel? I teleported myself back to my room and Rascal was already waiting there.

"I see you're awake and aware of the situation" He said. I sat on my bed and shrugged.

"Not really. I mean I heard what you said but it didn't make much sense."

"It's to be expected since you know not about the Miracle Jewel."

"Know not?"

"The Miracle Jewel is all powerful and can grant any wish!" He exclaimed.

"Well I heard you say that."

"I'm aware."

"So the Glitter Force has it right?"

"For now but those silly school girls won't know what to do with it."

"So now we have to go get said Miracle Jewel?" I asked.

"Yes yes, but first I need to prepare some things."

"Such as?"

"A few things here and there. You'll see in due time."

"Fine but why's Candy this Miracle Jewel?"

"Who knows but it seems I was right all along!"

"Wait, you knew she was the Miracle Jewel?" I asked.

"Yes but my original investigation didn't go exactly according to plan, but no point in focusing on the past when the present is right in front of us!" Rascal laughed as he disappeared. Original investigation? What was Rascal going on about this time? I sighed then an idea came to my mind. Why don't I do some investigating of my own? I mean I'm already at a disadvantage having only been here for the past few months. I peeked my head into the hallway to see if anyone was around. No one in sight. I figured that would be the case but I still felt I should double check. I closed my door and threw a card on the ground to teleport myself back to Earth.

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