Chapter 11

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I looked up at an empty sky. It wasn't the normal blue or the dark purple that was seen in the Shadow Realm. The sky was a faint gold with only a bold sun seen hidden behind a few faint clouds. I rubbed my eyes, confused on what was happening. Once I stood up I heard a loud voice boom overhead. It startled me but the voice was quite calm.

"Welcome, my child." The voice said.

"Hello? Who are you?"

"I see you are confused. It's not much of a surprise given that you have never met me." I tilted my head and thought for a moment then my eyes widened and my mouth dropped.

"Queen Euphoria?" I asked and the voice chuckled.

"No need to be so formal. I see your mind has steered you along a dark path."

"I mean... I don-"

"No need to explain yourself. I understand your confusion. This was all very sudden. You know neither me nor your father. You only met Candy and Rascal. They were only the tip of everything you are involving yourself in."

"What do I do now?"

"Follow your heart."

Next thing I knew the gold sky turned to black and my eyes opened to reveal the ceiling above my bed. I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and looked around the room.

"What was that?" I asked myself as I stood up and peeked into the hallway. No one there. I didn't even hear the other three in the main room. I shut the door behind me and made my way to the kitchen. My stomach was rumbling and it was time for breakfast either way. At least I thought it was morning. My watch was back in my room and I didn't feel like going back to get it. I looked around the kitchen and chose a kind of cereal. Once I poured the cereal and milk into the bowl I wandered around as I ate.

Third-Person POV

"No. No! NO! Darn it. Darn it! DARN IT!" Rascal yelled as he paced back and forth. He was far away from everyone else but still in the Shadow Realm. "Brooha. Brute. Ulric. Useless! All of them useless! Glitter Lucky. Glitter Sunny. Glitter Peace. Glitter Spring. Glitter Breeze. None of them cracked. NONE OF THEM!" Rascal was extremely frustrated. He already tried sending the other three to defeat the Glitter Force individually but each time they all failed. Even Rascal tried going after Glitter Breeze but still to no avail. Emperor Nogo was losing patience and the other three failing was one thing but when Rascal failed it not only angered Nogo but himself as well. He knew Nicole had no time to train before she attacked the Glitter Force. He would have to explain the importance of everything before they arrived on Earth. Rascal continued to pace as he thought and thought. After finally deciding on this he disappeared and reappeared in Nicole's room as she walked in with her cereal.

"Hello." She said.

"We're leaving."

"What? Where are we going?"

"To Earth. You're going to defeat the Glitter Force."

"Wait, I thought I was going to train first."

"You were but we're running out of time. Your father is growing impatient and no one else can stop those glitter girls." Rascal said as Nicole set her empty cereal bowl on the dresser.

"Okay. I should use the black nose, right?" She asked and Rascal nodded.

"The black nose buffoons are powerful and they don't give them anymore Glitter Charms."

"Alright. Do we leave now?"

"Almost. First you have to understand a few things. These girls are very powerful and seem to grow stronger every day."

"That doesn't sound difficult at all." Nicole said sarcastically.

"To the best of my knowledge your power potential is far greater than theirs. If you fail now you will only have to train harder until you can defeat them." Rascal said and Nicole sighed.

"Great. Anything else?"

"That's it. We can leave now." He said as they both disappeared from Nicole's room.

((I apologize that this chapter was so short but I wanted to have the next chapter be a bit more suspenseful))

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