Instead of Rascal, Bruha, Brute, and Ulric having to collect negative energy and find the Miracle Jewel to revive their master again they seek the help of his daughter, Nicole Garder.
But the Glitter Force are also trying to revive Queen Euphoria w...
Her powers are growing by the hour. Rascal thought. But the more her power grows the more likely it is that the Glitter Force will try and recruit her. His cards surrounded him and he appeared in Nicole's room.
I jumped. "Rascal! You know I hate it when you do that." I yelled at him but he just did a backflip. Sigh. "Time for training!" He beamed. "Ok I'm coming." I threw my card on the ground and I was teleported outside. A card came speeding towards me. "Think fast!" Rascal said. But it happened so suddenly that it hit me and I fell into the ground. I slowly got back up. "That was too fast!" I yelled at him but he just snickered. "Once the Glitter Force come here you'll need to think very fast." He said. I began levitating again. "Who are the Glitter Force anyway?" I asked Rascal. He looked down at me. "Oh just five stupid girls trying to stop your father." He explained. "Are they responsible for my Dad being shut away?" I asked him. His smirk increased and his eyes squinted at me. "The second time, yes." He replied. Vengeance spiked inside me. "Teach me how to defeat them." I said my voice almost lost of emotion. Rascal cackled. "As you wish."
(Two and a half weeks later)
I threw my card in the air to block Rascal's attack. "Excellent!" He squealed. We both floated down to the ground. "But we've only scratched the surface of your power. The rest you'll have to learn from your father." He said. "So is this my last day of training?" I asked him. "Technically, yes." He said. "What does that mean?" I asked. "In time you'll see." Cards surrounded him and he disappeared. I sighed and went back to my room. Recently I've been questioning everything. I don't know if I should continue helping my Dad or go help my Mom. I mean I'd never met either of them. How am I supposed to choose? "Psst!" I heard from my window. This caused memories to spike of twos months ago. The day I met Rascal and Candy, so naturally I opened the window. "Nicole! Come outside!" Candy said. "What? Why?" I asked her. "I want you to meet the Glitter Force!" She said. I had to see this. After Rascal ranting on about them for like ever i couldn't pass this up. "Ok." I said and followed her out the window. We walked for barely a minute and I saw five girls waiting for us. The girl standing in the center had hot pink pigtails that were pulled into buns and held together with yellow ribbons. She wore a pastel pink shirt, a pastel/ hot pink skirt, a hot pink vest, knee high socks, and sneakers.
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To my left of her was a shy looking blonde haired girl. She wore an almost cream colored shirt under an orange dress, frill topped socks, and dark orange dress shoes.
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Next to her was a fairly tall girl with green hair pulled into a ponytail. She wore an olive green blouse, grey shorts, sported with a pair of black boots.
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On the exact opposite was a tall girl with dark blue hair flowing around her shoulders. She wore a baby blue dress under a carolina blue jacket with matching blue boots.
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Finally the girl on her left was a sporty looking and her red hair was pulled into a messy ponytail. She wore an orange shirt that looked a size too big, cornflower leggings, and red flats.
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"See I told you shed be okay." The pink haired girl said. I really wished they were wearing name tags. "You must be Nicole. My name's April," The green haired girl gestured to the pink haired girl, "This is Emily," She gestured to the blond haired girl, "This is Lily," She gestured to the red haired girl. "This is Kesley," She gestured to the blue haired girl. "And this is Chloe." "Hi you must be," I lowered my voice to a husky whisper, "the Glitter Force." "Yup! That we are." Emily said very cheerfully. I looked over my shoulder to see if Rascal was around and then back at the girls. "How'd you get here?" I asked them. "It was a full moon." April said. Okay made no sense to me whatsoever. I went to say something again but their faces turned blank and I knew who 'stood' behind me. "Well well look what we have here."