Chapter 10

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I was searching and searching for any red noses I could find. I had already found two red noses but Rascal assured me that there were four. The two I was currently holding had been in Brooha and Brute's rooms so now I was searching Ulric's room. I knew he was going to be angry if he found me in his room but once again, I didn't care. I set the two other noses down so it'd be easier to search for the third one, but it didn't seem to be anywhere in the room. I had a feeling he had hid them but it seemed that the nose wasn't in the room. I sighed grabbed the two other noses and left the room heading to my own room. I kicked the two noses under my bed and then thought where the two other noses would be. Why was there four noses when there was only three buffoons. I guessed that the extra one would have been Rascal's but he wouldn't keep it here or have me search for it. I left the room and went to search the kitchen. I was 99% certain it would not be in the kitchen but I was hungry and wanted to grab a snack. I made myself a sandwich, turned around, and saw Ulric was standing there.

"Hello." I said my mouth full of food.

"What were you doing in my room?" He asked a growl in his voice.

"What do you mean? Why would I go in your room?" I snapped back. I could lie very easily and in my opinion, my lying ability is very good.

"Don't lie! I saw you leave my room!" He yelled as his eyes started to glow a hint of red.

"Fine but I didn't take anything." I said as I took another bite of my sandwich.

"Why were you in my room?" He asked.

"I lost something and I was trying to find it." I said as I went to leave the room.

"Don't walk away! What'd you lose?" He asked following me out.

"Nothing of your concern." I said not turning around and I heard Ulric sigh. He walked past me and left the building. I took a deep breath and finished my sandwich. I went into the main room that the three usually played card games in and began searching. There were a few boxes thrown around so I searched in a few of them. Thankfully I found one of the noses stuffed into a game box so I pulled it out and looked around the room. No one in sight. Good. This job was hard enough without having to deal with Brooha, Brute, and Ulric questioning me. I quickly ran the nose to my room, tossed it under my bed, and continued searching.

After another hour of searching the entire building with no luck, I went outside to get some air. I looked around to see what was outside of the building and saw that it was nothing exciting or special. It was only clumps of dead trees and rocks that looked like they'd been thrown there with no care in the world. I walked around for a bit hoping that the nose might be out here. Sadly, no luck. I had circled the building and saw nothing resembling a nose so I walked back inside and to my room. I looked under my bed to double check that the three other noses hadn't went anywhere and thankfully they were still there. I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling and thought. I thought about what would happen next. What would I bring? What would I cause? How would this effect everything? How would this end? I understood what helping my father would cause and I understood what helping my mother would bring. I still don't know who I want to help or what I want to bring. Yet I was still here and this is what I was in the middle of. I couldn't exactly get up and leave. Where would I go if I did leave? Would I go help my mother? Would I go home? What would happen if I went home? What do my adoptive parents think? Are they worried? Are they looking for me? Are they okay? I took a deep breath and saw Rascal appeared in my room. I sat up and looked at him suddenly very tired. He lifted his hand and revealed the fourth red nose.

"Where did you find that?" I asked him shock in my voice.

"Ulric had it hidden along the trees outside. Were you successful in finding the other three noses?" He asked and I nodded.

"One in Brute's room, one in Brooha's room, and one in the main room." I said as I pulled the noses out from under my bed and set them on my bed. Rascal snapped and all four of the noses disappeared.

"You'll be training tomorrow." He said.

"Training? I thought I was finished with my training till Father is awoken."

"Yes but you need to be prepared to fight the Glitter Force. The others aren't stopping them at all so you need to step in." He said and I took a deep breath. There was no turning back now.

"Ok. I'll be ready."

"Good!" He exclaimed as he disappeared. I laid back down on my bed and sighed. This is it. I can't turn back now. Could I?

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