Chapter 7

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"Really?" I asked my voice full of joy.
"Of course. He's your father and he's requested to meet with you." Rascal said. I picked up the picture that I had tossed on my bed and grew excited.
"When do I get to meet him?" I asked looking up at Rascal. He tilted his head and looked up.
"Tonight." He said. I looked down at my watch; 4:36. I jumped up from my bed. "Okay I'll be ready." I said. Rascal smiled before he disappeared. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. What does an evil emperor expect his daughter to wear? I thought. My current outfit consisted of jeans and a sweatshirt that looked two sizes too big. I opened my dresser and went through the array of my hundreds of black shirts. Hmm. I thought, Maybe my black shirt with grey stripes? I nodded to myself and pulled out dark skinny jeans to wear with it. After I changed I looked at my makeup. It was thin around the eyes and and didn't help my self-confidence at all. I grabbed my makeup bag, pulled out the concealer correcteur, and dotted it onto my face before rubbing it in. I grabbed my PHOTOREADY foundation to top the correcteur and then grabbed my eyeliner to top it all off. There's something missing. I thought. Oh! I grabbed my favorite choker that had the little triangle on it and clipped it on. There we go. I looked at my watch again; 6:02. Geez where does the time go? Well Rascal said tonight so I guess that means around eight. I guess I could draw but I don't think I could for the next 2 hours. Eh worth a shot. I grabbed my sketchbook and sat on my bed. I started sketching but quickly got bored so I grabbed my phone and turned on my favorite audio book. That's better.

8:08 I was levitating above a black surface next to Rascal. Nothing was in sight anywhere around us. Rascal touched down on the black surface and I did the same before I saw the surface change.

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