Chapter 6

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I laid on my bed bored out of my mind waiting for Rascal's return. He'd followed Ulric with some dream ball. I was listening to one of my audio books when Brooha burst into my room and grabbed my ear.
"Ow! Hey!" I yelled trying to grab my cards. No such luck.
"You're coming with me!" She yelled. She threw me into a room filled with boxes and bottles.
"Yeah I see that." I said holding my abused ear.
"What do you even want?" I asked her.
"Do you have your cards?" She asked me. I swiped my hand.
”I do now." I replied slightly wanting to use them. Brooha snatched them from me and pulled an ace out of the deck.
"What are you doing?" I asked her. She grabbed a pair of scissors completely ignoring me and prepared to cut my card. I lept forward to stop her but was stopped by a purple streak and Rascal was standing over us.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" He asked anger lining his voice.
"I'm looking for the hidden magic in these cards!" Brooha answered trying to grab the cards. Rascal threw them to me and put his face to Brooha's level.
"You don't want to make the Master angry do you?" Rascal asked. Fear lined Brooha's face before she sneered and stomped away. Rascal looked down at me, sighed, then disappeared. I finished collecting my cards and began heading back to my room.

A loud thud exploded from the wall on my right and I looked over to see Ulric.
"What's your problem?" I asked him.
"Those damn Glitter girl!" He yelled. Wow. I thought. He must be pissed he never swears.
"There's no need to break the wall." I told him. He snapped around amd growled. Teeth revealed and eyes a bright shade of red. I took a step back before he took a deep breath and looked back at the wall.
"Just go." He quietly said. I did has he instructioned and once i made it to my room I rewound my audio book before drifting off to sleep.

A card was thrown near my face causing me to awake from my dreams.
"Wake up." Rascal instructed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"I'm up." I said but slightly jumped when I saw Rascal's eyes. They were his normal shape and size but what startled me was the color. Red. Bright vivid glowing red.
"Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Your father has lost his patience with the others so it's up to us now." He said.
"Good. So what do we do?" I asked him.
"Oh you'll see." Rascal said with a chuckle.

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