Chapter 8

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Slowly the surface turned purple and before I knew it looked like a face. It was like a normal clown face but it had a number on its nose and a clock in its mouth. I heard a deep voice but I couldn't make any of it out. Rascal appeared to though because he smirked and nodded.
"This is Nicole, your daughter." He said still looking down at the face we were standing on. Next thing I knew a voice boomed that I was finally able to understand.
"Nicole." The voice said that I assumed was my father. His voice wasn't as deep as before, it was actually slightly high pitched.
"Yes?" I asked him my voice barely  shaking.
"It's nice to finally meet you, my child."
"It's nice to finally meet you, too." I replied. Rascal didn't move as we spoke. He only watched the face beneath us.
"How has your training been going?" My father asked me.
"It's been going well. Rascal said he can't teach me anymore." I replied my voice still shaking a tad.
"Good... once I get out of here I will teach you everything else you need to know." He said and I only nodded.
"You must assist Rascal since the others... can't."
"I will. I have been as much as I can." I said to him.
"Work faster! I can't take being locked away anymore."
"Ok. I'll begin working on it as soon as we get back." I said as I heard my father sigh.
"Good. Rascal." He said as Rascal began to smirk.
"You will bring Nicole with you next time you come to see me." Rascal began to bow.
"Of course." He said as he put his hand on my shoulder and we reappeared in my room. I sat down on my bed and looked up at Rascal.
"How can I start helping?" I asked him.
"First, you must come up with a plan."
"A plan? What kind of plan?" I asked him.
"Remember the black noses I showed the other three?" I nodded.
"Think of a way to use those. Just to start at least." Rascal said a split second before he disappeared.
"The black nose buffoons?" I asked myself.  "He said we can control them, right? Maybe... just maybe."

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