Final Update

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Hello everyone! First off I want to apologize for the promise of a new chapter and here we are five months later and no update. The reason behind that is because I no longer have the motivation to complete this story. It has turned into a chore and I feel that if I have to force myself to write it will lower the quality of the story which isn't fair to anyone.

Instead, I plan to make a few changes. First off, I am ending the continuation of this story. That doesn't mean I'm done with Wattpad, on the contrary I am currently writing my own story. While the characters are still in development, I have a lot of ideas for the story thanks to the contribution of so many others. [Confession the plot of the story was originally an RP plot that I put together and people had said it would make a good story.] On top of it all, I originally began writing the Glitter Force story three years ago and my writing ability has improved massively since then so I hope that this new one will be more professional.

I thank you all for your support of this story and for enjoying it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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