Chapter 9

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I was sitting on my bed looking at all of the buffoon noses Brooha had kept in her room to see if I could find a way to use them that would help weaken the Glitter Force. The first thing I noticed was that the red noses held the Glitter Charms that would save my mother so I put those off to the side. I was still wondering if I should help my mother instead of father but I was already this deep into helping my father so there really wasn't a way out. That and I didn't know how to leave the Shadow Realm. I then looked at the blue, yellow, and black noses and thought some more. The blue noses were pretty easy to defeat, they really only lacked the Glitter Charms but it was an effective way to continuously collect Negative Energy. The yellow noses once again didn't do much except distract the Glitter Force for maybe ten minutes so I pushed the yellow and blue noses aside with the red nose and looked at the black nose and thought. It was very different from all the other noses since the user could control it personally but I wasn't sure if that'd be enough to weaken the Glitter Force. Their powers were cheesy glitter but they were strong, there was no doubting that. I continued to think and think then sighed, picked up the red, blue, and yellow noses, then began walking to Brooha's room to return them. I wasn't sure if she was there but if she was and she saw I'd taken the noses, she wasn't going to be happy. Honestly I didn't really care. Brooha was Brooha. One of the three Rascal called Buffoons. None of them scared me if you didn't count Rascal. The three Buffoons played card games and sat around all day and when they did attempt to attack the Glitter Force they'd use the red noses and give them more Glitter Charms. Rascal was someone no one wanted to test and you can tell the others agree with that statement. He was serious about his "job" and wouldn't stand for incompetence but I liked the creepy factor he brought to the group. Anything that's dark, creepy, and/or scary I enjoy so being in a place like the Shadow Realm was exciting for me. Once I made it to Brooha's room I looked around to see if she was there. No one in sight. Good. I wasn't in the mood to deal with her or really anyone for that matter. I put the noses in an empty box and left the room. Once I entered the next room I saw Ulric and Brute playing a game of cards and I decided to walk over to them. I still wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone but I wanted them to answer a question.

"Hey." I said to them and Ulric turned to look at me then looked back at his cards.

"What do you want?" He asked me as Brute set his cards down to pause the game. Not a smart move because they were face up, revealing his hand.

"Where's Brooha?" I asked.

"Not here." Brute said chiming into the conversation.

"No duh but where is she at?" I asked again.

"Don't know. Don't care." Ulric said and I sighed.

"You two are impossible." I complained as I walked back to my room. This wasn't unusual to have them respond this vaguely but it didn't make it any less annoying.

Once I reached my room I picked the black nose up and examined it some more. It was exactly like the other noses only this one was black but I knew it was more than a black nose. It could cause mass destruction if used for that purpose but these were only made to eliminate the Glitter Force... at least I'm pretty sure that was their only purpose. I then put the nose into my dresser draw to hide it in case Brooha came bursting in. She did that more times then I'd like to admit but none of these doors had locks on them. Most of the rooms didn't have doors to begin with so I guess I was lucky. I sat on my bed then took a deep breath. We were close to collecting enough Negative Energy to save my father but I also knew the Glitter Force almost had all the Glitter Charms as well. This wasn't going to be easy but it had to get done. Then without warning Rascal appeared in front of me. My heart jumped at the sudden entrance but I learned to keep a straight face.

"You do know knocking is a thing right?" I asked him but he didn't seem to care.

"Have you figured anything out?"

"Yes and no. I didn't create anything but I did come to the conclusion that we should only use the black noses if that helps."

"It's a step I guess."

"It's just that the red noses give them the Glitter Charms and the blue and yellow noses just distract them for a bit while collecting Negative Energy in the process."

"I have thought about discarding the red noses for that purpose but with the charms in them we can't."

"Could we at least hide them from the others so they don't use them?"

"Hm... we could try but I don't know how that'd work."

"We could try." I said as he disappeared. I wasn't entirely sure if I was supposed to find the red noses and collect them. Even if I was I wasn't going to do it just yet. I didn't want to run into the others even though they were just playing cards and not there at all I didn't want to risk it. I stood up walked over to my bag and pulled out one of my favorite books. I sat back down on my bed and began reading it as I thought about what was to come next.

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