Instead of Rascal, Bruha, Brute, and Ulric having to collect negative energy and find the Miracle Jewel to revive their master again they seek the help of his daughter, Nicole Garder.
But the Glitter Force are also trying to revive Queen Euphoria w...
"Wow." I said my voice breathy. "We have no time to waste we must begin now." Rascal said. "Begin what?" I asked him. He did a backflip. "Why your training of course!" He replied. Well he snapped back pretty quickly. We walked to the large building in front of us and I saw a large ogre holding a large... club?
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"IT'S IN THE HOLE!!!" He shouted. "Oh Brute. Still playing the same games I see." Rascal said to him. Brute looked at us. "What are you doing bringing the Glitter Force here?!" He yelled/asked. What or who's the Glitter Force? I thought. Rascal shook his head. "This is Nicole-" He started. Brute's mouth fell open. "Emperor Nogo's daughter!" He yelled. I looked down self-consciously. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING ON ABOUT NOW BRUTE?!" A high pitched voice called. Rascal and I looked at the doorway and saw a three feet tall woman walk through. She wore an emerald green robe and the hood covered most of her face but from what I could see she had a large nose.
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As soon her gaze met mine she stopped dead in her tracks. "You're really here." She said. "Ok that's enough. We can't have any delays." Rascal said. He began to move past... the woman. "Don't you want to see your room?" He asked. I ran towards him. We both began walking down a large hallway. "Until you awake your Father this is your home." Rascal explained. A smile slid onto my face. I've always wanted to be special... not to mention evil. Rascal stopped at a purple door. "We will begin training in ten minutes. Be ready." He said before cards surrounded him and he disappeared.
I opened the violet door and my mouth fell a fraction of an inch. The room was beautiful with black wood plank floors and dark grey walls. The bed looked to be about queen sized with a purple comforter and a black headboard. The dresser was dark oakwood with a picture of my Father on it and a mirror hung above it. In the corner of the room was my backpack. I went to open it and found most of my clothes, some of my books, my hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup, and cards. I smiled to myself. Thanks Rascal. I thought. I pulled out my cards and put them on my dresser and then began to put my clothes into the dresser.
"First," Rascal said, "You need to learn to levitate." I would have never believed him twenty-four hours ago but after what I've seen it wasn't that hard to believe. I mean Rascal was levitating right now. "And how do you suppose I do that?" I asked attitude lining my voice. He glared down at me. "It's simple! Just imagine yourself up!" He said his voice full of joy. "But I did that as a kid and I never went up." I stated. "Well that's because you didn't know you had this power in you." Rascal replied but when he said "this" he gestured to everything around us. I looked at my feet. "Ok." I closed my eyes and imagined myself up next to Rascal. I opened my eyes a few seconds later saw I was three feet off the ground. I gasped... and then fell. "Ow!" I exclaimed. I stood up. "What did I do wrong?" I asked him. "You focused on the ground too much." I took in a deep breath. "Ok." I repeated the same steps and when I opened my eyes I didn't look down. "Good! Now look down but keep thinking up in the back of your mind." Rascal instructed. I did as I was told and lost some air but stayed... afloat? "And finally float down." He said. I closed my eyes once again and I felt wind hit the bottom of my ears and then I felt the ground under my feet. I opened my eyes and saw Rascal float down next to me. "Great! You're a natural but I guess that's no surprise." He said. He began to walk away and I ran after him. "We'll continue training tomorrow." Rascal stated. "Ok and um where's your kitchen?" I asked him. "Go down the second hallway and it'll be your third door on your left." He said. "Thanks." I replied. He spun around without hesitation. "No more please, thank yous, or sorrys ok." Rascal said. "Ok." I said.
I walked into my room with a sandwich in hand. I picked up the picture of my Dad and looked in the mirror. We looked very much alike sharing purple-ish hair and pale skin. I placed the picture back on the dresser and went to lay on my bed reviewing the past, I looked at my watch, five hours. After I finished my sandwich I climbed into bed and shut my tired eyes.
"WHERE IS IT?!!!" I heard a voice scream. It jolted me awake. I looked around my room and then at my watch. It read 7:29. I slammed my head back on my pillow in frustration. I thought about trying to go back to sleep but decided against it. I crawled out of bed and pulled out the day's outfit, a black tee shirt, jean shorts, and my favorite black high tops. After I put on my makeup and did I hair I walked out to see what all the commotion was about... and eat. I walked down the hallway to see the witch lady shuffling through boxs. Of what I didn't know but I'd find out later. "ULRIC!!!" She screamed. A few seconds later a wolf walked in... on two legs. He had long white hair and tail and he also had sharp teeth. His wardrobe consisted of a dark blue jumpsuit with a belt at his hips and his biceps.
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"What is it this time Brooha?" He asked sounding a little frustrated. I was too I mean I was woken at 7:30! "Did you take my shrink-a-roo!" She asked him. "Yeah and I put it in your food." He replied sarcastically. Ulric went to turn around and saw me standing there. "Wait! Are you-" He began. "Yes Ulric she's Emperor Nogo's daughter!" Brooha snapped. I waved shyly to him. He shook his head in reflex. "Never mind I'm going to find Rascal." He said before stomping away. I looked over at Brooha who was still rummaging in her box. "Um I think I saw it outside yesturday." "Outside! Oh I'm gonna clobber him!" She yelled. I ignored it and went to the kitchen. I was able to find something resembling cereal that wasn't too bad actually. But my breakfast was cut short by Rascal's cards. "What is? Rascal?" I asked. Before I knew it I was standing next to Rascal who was holding my cards. I looked at him with an annoyed expression lining my face. "Really?" I asked. "I did say no delays!" He said cheerfully. I liked the guy I really did but if this was gonna become a daily thing I might join my Mom's team... might. To be honest I'd probably just get really annoyed. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked him. He threw me my cards. "You're going to learn how to use your cards like me!"