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Hollywood,Los Angeles,California

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Los Angeles,

Emma waits in the bus stop for Eleanor to appear. She is actually excited to see her perform for the second time. It makes her happy there are more like her out there. Moreover, she really appreciates having a real an actual friend. Eleanor inviting her to her small performances made her feel normal. She watches as Eleanor runs in her direction.

"Where are we going today?" Emma asks the girl.

"Same place as always! Let's go!" She exclaims excited. She doesn't even look tired. Emma is wearing her typical white outfit but Eleanor is wearing black high-waisted Capri pants and a red top with a boat neckline.

"I find dresses uncomfortable for performances" She explains looking down at her clothes.

"Oh, I was just going to say that if I didn't dress all in white, I would actually wear that" She adds with a smile.

"Why all in white?"

"Because I really love white. And it suits me. Emma Frost and that" She explains, now realizing it is actually a funny and silly reason. Eleanor laughs. They get on the bus and start talking about various things. For example, they talk about their pasts. Emma already knows Eleanor's past wasn't as tough. When she met her friends, she knew hers had been more difficult. Emma wasn't as lucky as Eleanor "So, you actually found more people like us?"

"Yes, I mean, I was lucky I guess" She responds "I never thought of the fact that there could be more people like us... And I definitely never thought about them having a hard time"

"Hey, don't beat yourself with that! You were really lucky, and you would be happy because of that"

"But I can feel your pain from the people's rejection" Eleanor murmurs "It makes me feel guilty"

"Seriously, Eleanor, don't do that. Why can't you focus on my happiness in the moment? I am truly happy that I have a friend" Eleanor turns to look at her and nods.

"You're right..." She says smiling "I just, focus more on the bad than on the good"

"You can't be like that for the rest of your life. If you keep doing that, that's going to break you" Emma tells her friend "And trust me, you don't want that" Eleanor looks down and sighs. Emma stares at her sadly but decides to change the subject.

The rest of the trip, Emma tries to make Eleanor focus on the positive side of things. With jokes and funny stories of the past, she manages to do that. They reach Hollywood in time. They rush to the bar and Emma just watches the rehearsal. This is her last week in London and she just wants to enjoy the moment. She's already been here for almost a month and she's been the happiest, but she has to go back to Las Vegas. That is, by far, the saddest.

Eleanor looks at the people in the club as they give them a round of applause

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Eleanor looks at the people in the club as they give them a round of applause. She makes a vow grinning. Emma stands up and nods applauding loudly. Eleanor gets off the small stage to hug Haydn and smile at Iris widely. Iris smiles at her too. She has something to say to Eleanor, but she doesn't want to. But Eleanor feels her confusion. Which is really weird, since when she is with Haydn, he blocks her powers. She looks weirdly at Haydn, who is talking to some girls. She narrows her eyes at the sight.

"Eleanor" Iris calls her with a tiny smile "You did a great job. Seriously, your acting keeps getting better"

"Thank you, Iris" She turns to look at her after looking at Haydn "By the way, is there something wrong?"

"No, everything is perfectly" Iris informs with her shy smile. She only does that smile when she is sad or when she is embarrassed.


"I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow. They admitted me in an academy for music and dance " She finally says sighing. Eleanor looks at her surprised. Tomorrow. Leaving. That's good, isn't it?

"Iris! That is amazing!" Eleanor exclaims hugging her oldest female friend "I'm so happy for you" She murmurs smiling a bit.

"I am going to miss you all so much" She murmurs back "Thank you for making me feel normal"

"Iris, remember what I always told you"

"I am normal. Yes, I know" She says grinning. They pull away and Eleanor looks at her friend sad, on the edge of tears "Eleanor, no. Don't" Iris says laughing.

"You know I get really emotional, with goodbyes and stuff. You were there when we moved here" Eleanor says cleaning her tears and laughing a bit "But, you are saying goodbye tomorrow, right? I would like to go with you to the airport" She says not realizing she read her mind.

"Yes... Oh my god, I'm going to miss this" She whispers "I'll probably go now, I have to get my things ready" She informs taking her guitar. Eleanor looks at her leaving the bar. Emma walks over to where she is.

"Eleanor? Is everything okay?" Emma asks. She nods and smiles at the blonde woman.

"It's just that Iris has been my friend for ten years or so. She has been always there and she has endured all my problems, she always stayed" Eleanor explains "And she was a better friend to me than I was to her" Emma surrounds Eleanor with her arms and Eleanor accepts the hug.

"I promised I would never get into your mind but... You need someone to tell you this. There will be sometimes in which you will feel alone but you need to find a way of staying strong. You are amazingly strong and powerful, you just don't know it yet" Emma tells Eleanor inside her head. Eleanor pulls away.

"Why do you tell me all of this now?"

"Because I have to leave too. But I will come back" She promises "You are the only one like me I know and you are my only friend. I promise I will"

Eleanor looks at her feeling really sad. Then she looks at Haydn, who is still talking with those girls. He is the only thing he has here now. But she seems to be losing him too.

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