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Sebastian Shaw

1959Los Angeles,California

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Los Angeles,

"Who the fuck is Hayley? Uh?" Eleanor asks angrily at Haydn. He rolls his eyes leaving the room and going to the kitchen. The apartment is now a complete mess, since, to her surprise, Eleanor started moving the objects "No, don't act like I am crazy"

"I don't know what you are talking about" Is all that he says. He is tired of Eleanor being jealous. But she is not wrong. She knows what she is saying but he is so guilty he won't admit it.

"Look, I'm bloody tired of your lies. I work hard to get the money for both of us while you are out there with your girlfriends, fucking all day in our motherfucking bed!" She yells. He turns to look at her.

"Don't blame me for just having needs! If you don't give me what I want because you are losing it for not getting any role, it is not my fault!" He shouts without thinking. Eleanor stares at him glaring.

"Oh, please, don't make this a joke. If I don't give you what you want you can just leave. But no, you think I am your property. I got many roles, but you just didn't tell me and made believe I didn't! You think I am freaking stupid? Well, I am not" He stares at her, knowing she managed to read his mind. Her anger made her so powerful that she could avoid Haydn's blocking.

"I'm sorry"

"No. There's nothing you can say. You could have said: Yes, I did sleep with all those girls and yes, you didn't get those roles because I didn't want you to. I'm a fucking moron who wanted you to stay for fucking and caring for my stupid children" She explains on the edge of crying "And I would have told you that I understand, we have only been with each other. We only know each other. I would have told you that I think it would be time to give us a break. To find out what we want and like. But you had you fuck this up" She says seriously. He looks at the ground, full of guilt and anger.

Suddenly, someone knocks at the door. The broken couple looks at the door but only the female walks to open the door. She finds four people dressed with elegant clothing, except for the woman, who is wearing an all white outfit. She looks the face of the woman and finds Emma's face smiling at her. Eleanor's tired and sad eyes light up when they see the familiar face. Emma, however, notices her eyes are screaming for someone to help her. Emma frowns at her but Eleanor gives a tight hug.

"Oh my god... Emma" She murmurs. Emma hugs her back noticing something is wrong "What are you doing here?" The men in the middle of the group smiles at Eleanor.

"I am Sebastian Shaw, nice to meet you Eleanor" He introduces himself to Eleanor. He takes Eleanor's hand and places a kiss on it "I've heard so much from you, young lady" Haydn walks next to her and puts his arm around her waist, receiving a slap from her. Haydn looks at her and the people in the door.

"Are you crazy?!" He shouts. Eleanor stares at him and scoffs.

"Did we interrupt something?" Sebastian asks. Eleanor turns to look at him with a smile.

"No, we were already done" She replies with fury running through her veins. Haydn glares at Eleanor.

"Oh no, you're not doing that. You are not leaving me! I won't let you!" He says as he walks to her and grabs her arm. In her anger she pushes him away with her telekinetic powers. Sebastian looks at the boy and shakes his head. Emma looks at Eleanor and goes to assist her friend.

"Wrong, boy, wrong" He murmurs. Haydn looks at him in fear "That's not how you treat a woman. And less a woman who is way better and powerful than you"

"What happened?" Emma asks Eleanor.

"The relationship reached its end, what else can I say" She answers looking at Emma confused at the man.

"What do you want me to do with him?" Sebastian asks looking at Eleanor. She frowns and looks at Emma.

"What do you mean?"

"He is obviously causing you a lot of problems so, what should I do?" He asks standing up "Should I kill him?"

"What?! No!" She answers immediately "Why are you here?"

"We are the Hellfire Club" Sebastian informs. Emma nods and smiles at her.

"They are like us, Eleanor" She tells her "They saved me, in a way. And I think they could save you too. That's why we are here, because I want to fight for a better world next to my friend" She explains. Eleanor looks at the ground confused.

"A better world?"

"A world in which the true race rules. We are the next dominant form of life and we'll fight for our superiority" Sebastian says "We are the children of the atom. Radiation gave birth to us. What will kill the humans will only make us stronger"

"You want to kill all the humans?" Eleanor asks horrified.

"We are the evolution of the Homo sapiens, they will stay behind as we grow and dominate the world. Together we can make this world ours" Emma explains.

"Do you really think this, Emma?"

"Yes. Sebastian opened my eyes to the truth hidden behind our existence" Emma admits looking at Sebastian. I frown overwhelmed by the situation. In the last ten minutes, too many things happened.

"I'm afraid I do not share the same thought" She comments looking at them. Sebastian stares at her with a smile.

"I know you don't. But you will one day realize I am right" He says "So, if you are not with us, you are against us"

"So, what? You are going to kill me, aren't you?" Eleanor says with courage. He scoffs.

"It's sad that you don't use your gifts" He murmurs "No. I would lose my golden girl if I do that. I'm going to break you" She frowns not fully understanding it. He wants her to use her powers. He takes a gun out of his pocket and points at Haydn's head with it "And how do you break someone? Killing everything they love" Emma looks at Sebastian with her eyes widened. Sebastian pulls the trigger and a shot is heard. Eleanor covers her mouth with her hands. She falls to the ground and goes to Haydn. His last thoughts consist of images of the both of them. He asks for forgiveness. He didn't say I don't love you anymore when he should. He regrets that. His last thought is full of love, guilt and madness. Three different feelings that can truly be connected.

The females in the room proceed to read the mind of Mr. Shaw. He is going to kill Eleanor's parents too. Emma looks at Eleanor with guilt in her eyes. She turns to look at her friend.

"I didn't want this, I swear" She says before they disappear. Eleanor stands up and takes her keys with some money. She rushes to the train station. She needs to get to San Francisco as soon as possible. Although, she already knows what she is going to find.

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