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Erik drinks from his beer as he, Eleanor and Charles eat in the stairs of the main door of the mansion

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Erik drinks from his beer as he, Eleanor and Charles eat in the stairs of the main door of the mansion. Eleanor told them that they should have dinner outside because the night sky was full of stars and the air consisted on a soft breeze. Eleanor made one of her mother's Spanish dishes: tortilla de patata.

"That was interesting" Erik comments with a smile, looking at Eleanor "You never cooked this before"

"But I cooked Paella, come on" She tells him with a roll of eyes. He nods and stands up.

"Yeah, I love that one" He passes his hand through Eleanor's hair, making a mess of it on purpose. She groans and slaps his hand. He laughs through the pain "Goodnight" He tells his friends. She rolls her eyes and looks at Charles, who is laughing at Erik.

"He is so stupid" She comments with a smile.

"He must be very important to you" Charles says drinking from his beer. Eleanor nods looking back inside the house.

"He is" She admits happily "He is to me like a brother, I think I told you that already... I'm not sure" She slightly smiles looking at Charles, who is caught by her grace "He taught me how to fight, how to survive and how to live with a sibling" She explains remembering all those moments. What they were doing wasn't right at all, they are not bad people though "I guess it is a similar feeling with Raven" He smiles and shakes his head.

"I care about Raven a lot. I met her when we were kids and she was a survivor until our paths crossed. She really feels like a sister to me" He speaks about his sister "The thing is that you don't have to be worried or watching over Erik all the time"

"Oh, I don't have to, you are right, but I do" She adds raising her eyebrows "I know he doesn't need someone to look after him, but it is not bad to have that if anything goes wrong" Charles looks at the girl, discovering a side of her he hadn't seen before, yet he knew it was there.

"My problem with Raven is, we have really different minds and ways of seeing the world so that causes me many arguments because, I don't understand her sometimes" He admits closing his eyes.

"She is still a confusing, full of hormones, young woman with a lot of insecurities and ideas" Eleanor tells Charles with a small smile. He looks at the ground and nods.

"Yes, that's true" He assumes with a smile. Eleanor laughs at his comment. She finds funny how both men and women find each other confusing, when they are equally confusing "Did you ever meet someone who you felt they were special and different?" Charles asks wanting to tell Eleanor what he thinks about her. Eleanor nods still with a smile on her face.

"Yes" Eleanor admits looking at the landscape "I wouldn't be like I am today if it weren't for Emma. She taught me how to be a woman in this world, and she was really good to me" Eleanor explains turning to look at him, who is listening carefully and interested in her words "She left. But she came back as promised, but she wasn't alone and it wasn't the right time. I was having a very... Intense argument with Haydn and she just appeared there. Shaw was with her. He killed him because I didn't want to join his stupid club. But he also went to kill my parents. By the time I got to my parent's house, they were already dead. Everything I had was gone. I had to get out of there as quickly as possible" She finishes trying not to cry, still smiling. Charles takes her hand, which is resting on her thigh and holds it tightly "Sometimes I think that I will never be able to be as happy as I once was, when my parents were there. But now I feel that again, that feeling of something special" She admits turning her head to face Charles.

"Eleanor" He calls the girl looking at her light blue eyes "I can not assure you happiness because that depends on you, but I can assure you company and family. I have plans to turn this place into a school and when I do, I would love to offer you a job" She looks at him with a smile "I would love to offer you a home"
He murmurs with a smile. She bites her lip and grins with her watery eyes. She wraps her arms around Charles, tightly. Charles hugs her back, giving her the emotional support she needs. He closes his eyes, enjoying the physical contact and their connection. She doesn't want to pull away, let him go but she has to.

"What do I have now?" She asks cleaning a tear which was going to fall down her cheek.

"You have us" Charles tells her taking her chin and making her look up softly "You have me. I will not let you alone, Eleanor"

"I know you won't" She replies with a smile "But I can't speak for myself, I can't make promises I can not assure I'll keep" When Charles hears these words, he closes his eyes. They hurt him like daggers in his heart. Eleanor notices this reaction feeling his pain, his feeling of unwanted rejection. She frowns confused before leaving to enter the house quietly. Charles opens his eyes when she is gone and looks back into the house, losing his chance to do something.

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