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Los Angeles,California

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Los Angeles,

Eleanor's eyes widen as she sees a sign with their destination. She turns to look at her father and smiles surprised.

"You're taking me to Los Angeles, like when I was a little girl"

"Are you not anymore?" He asks with a smile. She shrugs and half smiles.

"I don't know" She replies looking down. It is a one hour and a half trip, so they eventually talked.

"Is there something going on?" He asks raising his eyebrows worried. She shakes her head but she ends up nodding.

"I am a telepath with telekinesis. I am already finishing high school too" She informs looking at the landscape. Her father stops the car and turns to look at her.

"What?" He asks surprised "Oh my god... Elle, that's great. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-" She starts saying without knowing how to reply "I guess I just didn't trust you"

"You have your right" He replies "I left without an explanation. I found myself in a rather difficult situation, I had to leave you to protect you. Don't ever mess with gangs, Elle, at first you might feel safe, but there will be one day you won't"

"Dad, I'm here to have some fun" She tells him "Prove to me you deserve forgiveness" He looks down and nods starting the car again.

"So, you said you are about to graduate?" He asks interested. She nods happily and proudly.

"Yes, I am" She answers "And after that I'm studying Medicine, I want to try nursing"

"You know, some years ago you didn't need to study for that" He tells his daughter, referring to the II World War. She nods slowly.

"I know, but I can be a doctor too with those studies. Although, it is not the only thing I want to study. Psychology is also an interesting thing but I decided that should be my second option"

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I feel I will be a better nurse, I like helping people. I don't really think I would be a great psychologist"

"I think you can do whatever you want to" He tells her with a smile.

"No! But you are my father, you can't say that!" She exclaims with her hands in the air.

"What am I supposed to say then?" He asks laughing "It is what I think, Elle"

"I know, but it sounds so father-like"

"What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?" He asks narrowing his eyes amused.

"You know, it's the typical thing your parents tell you" She comments shrugging with a smile. She missed this. She missed joking with his father, she missed her father cursing without realizing she shouldn't hear that. The thing she always loved about her father is the fact that he treated her like a person, not like a little girl. He calls her a little girl but he doesn't treat her like one, and that was something Eleanor liked. She likes what's different and weird.

"Okay, then, I think you would be a terrible psychologist" He comments grimacing. She smiles and looks at her bag.

"Where are we exactly going?" She asks.

"Have you ever been to a dance?" He asks with a wide smile. She narrows her eyes intrigued and smiles back.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

After two hours dancing different types of dance, Eleanor sits down in the table with his father and his friends.

"Are you having fun?" He asks with a smile. She nods and smiles, before yawning "Oh, looks like someone is going to need some sleep" He comments looking at his daughter. She nods and does her best to keep her eyes open.

"Goodnight, Eleanor" Octavia, one of her father's friends, tells the girl with a smile.

"It was nice meeting you all" She says waving at her father's friends. They all send her a smile and wave at her. Mark starts walking out of the hall with his daughter.

"What did you think about that?"

"I absolutely loved it" She comments tired "I want to come here more times, but now it's going to take us a while to get home"

"Oh no, my apartment it's really close" He informs with a smile. They get on the car and he drives to his apartment. Eleanor finds a comfortable way for falling asleep in her seat. When they arrive at Mark's house, he looks at his tired daughter. He gets out of the car and opens the door of her side. He takes her and picks her up carefully as he takes her bag. He missed his daughter. He missed having a family.

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 | c. xavierWhere stories live. Discover now