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Eleanor leaves her room, dressed with her most elegant clothing

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Eleanor leaves her room, dressed with her most elegant clothing. It consists on a simple scarlett and tight dress. She walks through the halls quickly when she collides with someone. She looks up to find Charles walking down the hall. He stops and smiles at her nicely.

"Hello" He greets surprised, narrowing his eyes "You stayed"

"Yes, I did" She says looking down "Erik and I know this is the best thing to do"

"I was going to a meeting with the man who spoke yesterday, The Black Man" Charles explains "Do you want to join me?"

"Sure" She answers as she starts walking next to him.

"How did you two meet?" He asks interested. Not asking for the story, but for her side of the story. He already knows what happened when he got inside of Erik's head. Eleanor looks at him and narrows her eyes.

"He found me" She recalls "But that was the best thing that could have happened to me back then"

After a while of a surprisingly not uncomfortable silence, they finally arrive at the office and they sit in front of the man. She greets him and he starts talking about the projects they work in. He starts explaining Hank's invention.

"Hank turned that radar installation
into a transmitter. It's designed to amplify brainwaves-" He says.

"So it enhances Charles' telepathic powers" She adds interrupting the man. Charles stares at her nodding, impressed "That is genius" She murmurs with a small smile.

"You could use it to help us find other mutants for our division" The man suggests. Charles nods.

"What if they don't want to be found by you?" A known male voice for Eleanor asks. She turns to look at it.

"Erik" Charles greets with a nod. He nods at Charles too and looks at the man again.

"If a new species is being discovered, it should be by its own kind" Erik explains "Charles, Eleanor and I find the mutants. No suits"

"First of all, that's my machine out there" The man says narrowing his eyes "Second of all, and much more importantly, this is Charles' decision" He adds crossing his arms "Charles is fine with the CIA being involved. Isn't that right?" Eleanor glares at the guy for putting Charles through this situation. As if he was the commander.

"No. I'm sorry, but I'm with Erik" Charles says looking at Eleanor and Erik "We'll find them alone"

"What if I say no?" He asks defiantly.

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 | c. xavierWhere stories live. Discover now