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"No, it's not like that" She tells him narrowing her eyes. Erik chuckles and shakes his head.

"Then how is it?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"Tres tristes tigres comían trigo en un trigal" Eleanor says as she takes her drink.

"Now, that is exactly what I said" He replies pretending to be confused.

"Non, what you said was: tres tristres trigres comían trigo en un trigal" She says with a smile. He rolls his eyes and takes his drink.

"I'm still waiting for you to learn German and French so, shut up"

"Je parle Espagnol et un peu de Français" She replies narrowing her eyes at him. He nods and laughs.

"Yo también puedo hablar español. Y francés. Y alemán. Y inglés" He says to make her mad. She narrows her eyes smiling.

"E inglés" She corrects him knowing he is  going to roll his eyes. She laughs and Erik looks at the table.

"I think I'm going to go and pay" He says looking at her. She nods and takes her purse, looking for her red lipstick. A man sits in front of her and stares at her. She turns to look at him raising an eyebrow.

"May I say you are stunning" She smiles at him sweetly "What is a piece of art like you doing here?" He asks with a smirk. Eleanor smiles and chuckles.

"My brother brought me here" She answers with her American accent. He nods and looks where she is pointing.

"Your brother wouldn't mind if I invited you to a drink, would he?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"He wouldn't if you take me to my hotel after it"

"Where are you staying?" He asks narrowing his eyes curiously.

"Imperial" She answers with a smile. The man's eyes widen and he looks around.

"What a coincidence, I'm staying at the Imperial tonight too" He says looking at the girl.

"I bet you are" She murmurs with a smirk. Erik comes over to the table and looks at her.

"What's going on?" He asks looking at Eleanor, frowning at the girl. He knows she is deciding what to do. She looks at the man before looking at Erik and sighs.

"I'm going to need the key to our room, for tonight" She says resting her head on her hand. He nods and looks around with a smile.

"Sounds fair" He says dropping the keys in her hand. Yesterday he got the room, now it's Eleanor's turn.

"Go take a walk, London is beautiful during the night" She informs before he leaves. He nods and starts to leave the restaurant. He looks at the streets before starting to walk around, looking at the streets in order not to get lost.

Back in the restaurant, the man invites Eleanor to a drink, they talk about what they do. She tells him she is an art consultant, just to sound interesting. Former nurse, trained to kill is not a good curriculum. He turns out to be an accountant. When they night ends, the man leaves Erik and Eleanor's hotel room. She puts her usual top and shorts, opening the door so Erik can stand up from the ground and come into the room. He waits sitting down outside the room when she has visitors, whereas she just walks around the city when he has.

"Hope you had a good night" Erik murmurs as he walks into the room.

"Meh, he wasn't that good" She says lying in the bed while Erik closes the door. He scoffs and lays on the couch.

"I am not sleeping on that bed" He says closing his eyes. She stares at him amused and turns her facial expression to a confused one.

"Who said we used the bed?" She asks frowning. He looks at her seriously and shakes his head, sitting up from the couch.

"You are not funny" He tells her with a serious look "You're gross" She laughs out loud and lays down on the bed laughing. He stares at her and ends up laughing too.

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 | c. xavierWhere stories live. Discover now