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Westchester, New York.

She lies on the bed looking at the ceiling. Eleanor opens one of the drawers of her nightstand and takes out a letter.

Eleanor Gordon, we send you
this letter hoping you can join
our fight in Vietnam. We ask you
to help our American militants in
the war providing your medical
knowledge. We are hoping you
reconsider our offer in a time
where we need people like you.
The United States of America.

She reads the letter several times before breaking it into pieces and throwing it away. She covers her mouth with her hand and starts to cry. She doesn't know what to do. It's the fifth letter they sent her. She wants to stay, but she knows leaving is the right thing to do.

Charles leaves the room from time to time, like now, but he feels useless. With Eleanor and Hank watching over him all the time and the school closed, he feels like he has no purpose. Eleanor gets out of the bed and puts on a sweater and some sweatpants. She looks at the mirror to see her tired face. She sleeps very little, with Charles screaming in his sleep. Between the nightmares, the voices and the pain from his lower back, he can't seem to sleep. Eleanor walks over to his office and knocks on the door.

"Come in" He says sitting in his couch. Eleanor sighs and shakes her head.

"I don't want to know how did you get on that" She murmurs sitting next to him. He lets her rest her head on his legs and she does, staring at his face. He looks more scruffy. He is growing a beard and the shadows below his eyes show how tired and useless he feels "What were you doing?" She asks. He looks at the front and shrugs.

"I was thinking" He responds but he doesn't say anything else. Neither does Eleanor, though. They stay silent for a while until Charles notices Eleanor's red eyes "Is everything alright, love?" He asks worried, caressing her cheek. She forces a smile nodding "You can't lie to me, Eleanor"

"I got another letter" She admits "They say they really need me" Charles nods and avoids looking at her eyes "I just don't want to leave you"


"No, Charles, I can't-" She sits up and turns her whole body to look at him but he interrupts her.

"No, listen to me" Charles tells the girl as he takes her hand "I can't make you stay. Eleanor, you have to leave. I can't stand, waking up next to you every morning and seeing you are missing out things in your life. You can't stay with me because I can't give you what you need, Eleanor" Eleanor starts crying and looks down, feeling really empty as she hears these words "And I can't see you dedicating your life to me because it breaks my heart. And let's not talk about how much I suffer when I see your gorgeous body because I would- I would do so many things to you. I would give you a family and I would make you happy. But I can't in this bloody situation" He says tearing up.

"We could form a family Charles, and we could travel, meet new people, know more cultures-"

"I can't keep you next to me anymore" He tells her with a sad look "I feel the need of you increasing every minute and I can't take that. Please, Eleanor, don't make me say it" She covers her mouth sobbing and Charles wraps his arms around her letting her cry and rest her head in his chest. She stays there for a minute but then she pulls away and stands up, staying away from him.

"You are being so selfish! We could be happy if you just stopped saying this shit! We can have everything we want, and this" She yells pointing at the wheelchair "Is not going to stop me from loving you"

"No, that is not going to stop you" He replies looking at her as a tear falls down his cheek "But I am" Her anger leaves and all she feels now is sadness "I want you to leave" He murmurs under his breath. She nods and leaves the room, slamming the door behind her.

One thing Charles doesn't know is that these would be the last words he'd ever say to her. They would never talk again. Charles would regret this for the rest of his days. Charles doesn't know she is going to marry a General she is going to meet in Vietnam. Charles doesn't know she will go back to Erik when he leaves prison, years after his husband dies. Charles doesn't know he will fight against her until her last days. Charles doesn't know she will die in his arms, she will die as an enemy, killed by his friend Logan. Eleanor Gordon is gone, Scarlatta taking over woman Charles loves.

But right now, he sits in his couch, never feeling more alone and depressed in his whole life. He doesn't have a purpose. He is lost. But he didn't lose his way on the path, he jumped out of it and doesn't know where he is. It takes him moments to realize he needs Eleanor, but when he does, it's already too late. She is gone, forever.

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