This is How We Roll

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[Name] [Surname] laid on a couch belonging to her best friend for 3 years, Naruto Uzumaki. She stared at the ceiling as her mind drifted off to other things while she waited for Naruto to finish showering. I guess Hinata should be confessing to Naruto soon... She thought to herself and closed her eyes. For the past few months she had been giving Hinata Hyuga advice on how to approach Naruto and tell him that she liked him. Although Hinata had tried many times before, all her attempts ended in her either fainting, changing the subject or running away. She needs to toughen up if she's ever going to be with Naruto...

"Ready to go?" Naruto asked as his bent over [Name], his face just inches away from hers. [Name] stared at Naruto for a while then felt her eye twitch before she pushed his face away. "Hai, hai." She muttered and sat up. Naruto grinned and put on his T-shirt while his best friend walked downstairs and put on her shoes. The two had decided to go horseback riding for the day and then come back to Naruto's home to watch a few movies. Normal Saturday hang out plans for the best friends.

"[Name]-chan! Wait!" Kushina Uzumaki called as she ran out of the house toward [Name] who turned and held her skateboard in place with her foot. "Yeah Kushina-san?"

"Minato and I may not be home by the time you two get back. Do you mind staying later than usual to watch the house with Naruto?"

"No problem. As long as Minato-san can drop me off at home."

With that Kushina nodded and smiled happily. "Of course he can. Thanks [Name]-chan."
"Nope. It's a poisonous bush." [Name] said as she ended off reading from her guide book for the diverse vegetation within the forest of Konoha. Naruto groaned as he hoisted himself back up onto his horse and looked at [Name]. "How much further till we reach the end of the forest so I- I mean we can eat?" [Name] looked at the trail back to the stables and did a quick calculation of the distance they had covered and what was still ahead. "About 45 minutes. Unless you wanna race and get beaten by a girl but still make it back in at least 10-15 minutes." She said with a small smirk appearing on her face.

Naruto looked up at her and narrowed his eyes. "How about we make this interesting? You win and I buy you all the [favourite snack]'s you want, but if I win, you have to buy me all the Ichiraku ramen I can stomach. Deal?"

"You're on." [Name] agreed and gripped the reins of the horse. "On your mark. Get set. Go!" She yelled and at the exact same time, she and Naruto both set off on their horses down the trail to the stables. Rocks, trees, bushes, rivers and many other beautiful features of nature passed them by as they rode on their horses back to society and left nature behind. With the stables in sight Naruto grinned and whipped the reins harder to make his horse go faster, but alas [Name] won anyway just like she always had for the past 3 years.
It was 1AM and [Name] and Naruto sat up late watching movies while eating ramen as well as popcorn and many other snacks. "Think you can do the whistle?" [Name] asked as Katniss whistled the signal to Rue. "I know I can, but tell me again why Hunger Games is a movie about people killing each other to become surviving winners, and not about actual food and stuff?"

"I told you before we put on the movie that it had nothing to do with food." [Name] said and playfully slapped her best friend's head as he pouted and rubbed the attacked area. "I'm never letting you pick a movie ever again." Naruto complained and laid his head down on [Name]'s stomach while she was lying down with her head resting on the arm rest of the 3 seater couch. Not long after Naruto had fallen asleep and [Name] looked down at the blond. A smile appeared on her face as she watched him sleep. "Kawaii..." she whispered and stroked his cheek.

Once the movie had ended, [Name] pulled a blanket out from under her back and covered both herself and Naruto before turning off the TV and taking out her phone. She then went into her camera and took a picture of Naruto who was in a deep slumber before using her editor app to make a text saying 'Don't Bug Me' and placing it in the middle of the picture. She did this and finally set it as her profile picture before changing her status to:

'My DP says it all. LOL love this little weirdo. Good night everyone <3'

And with that she closed her eyes and let her body go numb as she fell asleep.
Meanwhile the police had gathered around a car crash which had occured just outside a restaurant where Naruto's parents had gone for dinner for a date. A drunken driver had hit another car at an alarming speed causing it to collide with the building and badly damage the passenger side. Not only that, but the driver had hit the wall and left a blood stain where he or she had been injured. To make matters worse, when bystanders called for help, the drunken driver merely sped away and left whoever was in the car to die.

"Hurry! There could be survivors in this crash!" Officer Tsubaki yelled to his colleague who stood a far distance away, while Tsubaki was injuring himself trying to remove metal scraps from the wrecked car. Eventually, he managed to free the passenger door and get a good look at the two victims inside. Kushina and Minato Uzumaki...

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