Let's See What I Figured Out

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Naruto skated in silence -- aside from the rolling of his skateboard's wheels -- as he thought over the date he had just had. For the beginning of it, he didn't enjoy it and simply imagined Hinata as [Name]. But not long after, he found himself enjoying the date and actually finding a few things in common with Hinata.

Now he was skating down [Name]'s neighbourhood toward her home. For some reason he had never liked [Name]'s neighbourhood as a much younger adolescent. It was always creepy and people were never walking around outside. Almost as though ghosts lived in the houses.

Another thing, or person, Naruto didn't like was [Name]'s father. He always had this silence to him that made it virtually impossible to learn anything about him, the exact opposite of his wife who so easily accepted Naruto as her own son after just meeting him.
"I wonder what [Name]'s up to." Naruto hummed to himself and sped up on his skateboard. As he drew nearer and nearer to the home of the [Surname]'s, he noticed the familiar KMPF patrol car outside in the driveway.

"Wait why are they here?" Naruto asked himself and flipped his board up into his hand before running inside and removing his shoes, placing his board down and continuing further into the house to find [Mother's name] seated with Fugaku, Tsubaki and Sasuke opposite her. "Oh, Naruto-san. How lovely to see you-"

"[Name]? Where is she?" Naruto cut Tsubaki short. "I don't know. Sasuke was the one who-"

"Sasuke, where is she?!" Naruto cut Tsubaki off once again and turned infuriated toward the young raven haired Uchiha, he knew as his best friend. Sasuke couldn't care less and continued drinking his tea. "Thanks for the quick response Tsubaki. What would we ever do without you?" Tsubaki muttered to himself in a childish voice before taking a gulp of his tea and choking, leaving it up to [Mother's name] to help him.

"Sasuke answer me!" Naruto yelled once more and banged his hands against the table. "Naruto relax. Before Sasuke has to knock you out too." Fugaku said sounding quite nonchalant. "What?! You knocked her out?! I swear I'll kill you if she's-"

"Oh for crying out loud. Naruto, [Name] is alright. Sasuke knocked her out to prevent her from running off to find you. She's in her bedroom." [Mother's name] explained and handed a serviette to Tsubaki to wipe his mouth.

In no time at all, Naruto ran upstairs into [Name]'s bedroom, where surely enough, he found her laying with her eyes closed beneath her covers. He let out a sigh of relief as he slowly made his way to the bed and sat down before resting his forehead on [Name]'s stomach. "You're acting like I'm dying." [Name] spoke without warning and made Naruto sit up immediately. "You're awake." He whispered.

"So how was the date?" [Name] whispered back. "Pretty good. I found that Hinata is actually pretty cool." Naruto whispered once more. "I knew you would." [Name] whispered again and smiled. "Why are you two whispering?" [Mother's name] whispered and poked her head into the room.

All three of them just stared at one another for a while before beginning to laugh. "Oh, well. You guys need to get down to the living room. Sasuke's going to tell us what he thinks is happening since everyone is home." [Mother's name] notified the two teens before turning to go downstairs.

"Wait mom! What about dad?" [Name] questioned and sat up in her bed. "He's still not back. Didn't you hear anything from him?"

[Mother's name] shook her head and sighed. "Unfortunately not dear and I'm not too sure when he plans to let us know when he'll get here." She admitted. Her daughter simply nodded and kicked the covers off herself before slipping on a pair of slippers and making her way downstairs beside her mother and Naruto. There, they were met by Sasuke who had finished his tea and was now sitting with his arms folded and his legs crossed. "Took you long enough to wake up..." He pestered [Name], who rolled her [eye colour] eyes and sat down beside Tsubaki. [Mother's name] sat alongside her daughter and Naruto remained standing behind [Name].

"Well, thanks to you, I have a pain in my neck and it's not just because you exist this time."

"Hey, what happened to being on his good side?" Naruto whispered to [Name]. "To heck with that. He knocked me out. I'm done being nice with him." She mumbled and folded her arms. "Hn. Whatever. Now can I please just tell you people what I found out and leave?"

"Please. Go right ahead." [Mother's name] requested and poked her daughter -- as well as Naruto -- in the eye. "Thank you. Well, as I told your demon for a daughter-"

"Really? I'm the demon?" [Name] interrupted and got poked once more in the eye. "Ow!"

"As I was saying. I told [Name] earlier about my theory. It's simple. The person behind all these murders, and the forth's coma, is someone who really wants to be Hokage. Clearly they planned ahead by getting rid of all the aide members and the third, so that first of all: They have a new aide to make sure their plans are carried out. And second: Should the fourth die, it will mean there is no one experienced to fill in for him.
By killing Kushina, it gets rid of any blood relative or family member who can take the position of Hokage. But one relative is still alive."

"Me." Naruto reckoned and looked away. "Yeah pretty much," Sasuke continued and stared at the ceiling. "Anyway, now that you're alive and the [Surname] family are looking after you, not only you, but they are targets too. There is one other thing though. Minato is simply in a coma and is still alive so we'll need a few guards around him 24/7 and hope that he wakes up."

"Bravo young Uchiha." An unfamiliar voice praised, causing all the persons present in the living room to stare at the new member. "Hello honey."
"Hi dad." Both females greeted the man standing at the door.

"Hi there guys. Sorry I'm late..."

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