Shall I Make It Obvious?

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The day at school for [Name] and Naruto was mundane. Just the usual classes and usual faces of friends. The same old boring teachers with the same old attitudes toward the work being done. One thing was different, however. Everyone was asking Naruto about his parents and as expected by [Name], it began to take its toll on him. "Hey..why don't we hide in the old gym class? No one goes there anymore." [Name] suggested as an exhausted Naruto looked up at her with his eyes filled with pain and sorrow from the constant reminder of his deceased mother and comatosed father. "That sounds like a good idea..." he murmured and got up from his seat.

[Name] took the lead and made her way swiftly and quietly to the old gym with Naruto closely behind her, before sitting on one of the old benches and sighing tiredly to herself while Naruto sat down at her feet. "Hey Naruto, I heard about your mom and dad. Are they okay?" "Naruto is your mother really dead?" "Dude...I can't believe it happened."
[Name] recited a few of the comments from her fellow pupils and felt her blood boil. Was there absoulutely no one, other than herself, who cared enough to actually comfort him and try to see things the way he's seeing them now? The answer was a resounding no until a soft voice echoed through the gymnasium. "N-Naruto-kun?" The voice called. Both [Name] and Naruto looked up only to see navy blue hair blowing in the breeze and sorrow filled lavender eyes staring at them. "Hinata-chan..." Naruto mumbled and got up slowly.

"I-I am so sorry if I b-bothered you, but I just wanted to know if...y-you're okay?" She stuttered and stared down at her feet as a blush crept its way steadily onto her face. "No it's okay...thanks for worrying but I'm alright. [Name]'s been-"

"I've been doing a terrible job keeping him happy! Please Hinata if you have anything to say please say it now to cheer Naruto up!" [Name] interjected. Her eyes had become wide in desperation as she tried to motion Hinata to finally do what she was supposed to. Hinata quickly caught on while Naruto stared at [Name] in complete shock, almost as though he'd just seen her blink her eyelids vertically. "Naruto-kun!" Hinata called slightly louder and caught the blond's attention.

"I...I...Will you go on a date with me?!" Hinata yelled and immediately stared at the ground. [Name] stared blankly at Hinata. Seriously...all that working up for the past months and that's all she can do...oh well, I'll take it. [Name]'s subconscious sighed and sat back down on her thought-up throne. "Right...Naruto she asked you a question. What do you have to say?" [Name] asked. Naruto's expression changed drastically from weirded-out to completely confused in a matter of seconds. "What..did you say..Hinata?" He asked again, sounding like a complete fool. "W-Will you please go o-on a date with me?" Hinata repeated. "Now what is your answer?" [Name] spoke through gritted teeth as she tapped her foot impatiently on the ground.

"I...I guess I could...yeah sure." Naruto agreed as a light blush appeared on his cheeks. He quickly averted his eyes and stared down at the floor. There was a silence until: "Great! You guys can go after school."

"B-But [Name]-san! That's too soon! M-Maybe we can-"

"After school. No buts."


"I swear I will put you both in straitjackets and drag you both to a restaurant if you don't do it..."

Hinata and Naruto shivered at the thought of being forced into straitjackets and both nodded. "Okay...after school." They both agreed, leaving [Name] to feel proud of herself.
Of course the end of the day finally came and Naruto walked quietly through the halls of his and [Name]'s adored high school. Most students had left, either to go home or participate in their after school, club activities. [Name] and Naruto both joined the basketball club but it had been conveniently cancelled for the day due to the Head Coach being ill. Not only that, but he had decided that the players for both the female and male basketball teams, would be given at least 3 days off.

"Can I at least change out of my uniform?" Naruto asked [Name] while they walked toward the gate. "Oh please, you don't need to. Hinata would love you even if you're drenched in sweat and smell like the old cafeteria meat." [Name] pulled out her phone and began scrolling through her messages. "Why don't you wanna go anyway?" She asked. "It's not that I don't want to's just that...she's not exactly my type." Naruto explained and walked with his hands behind his head while [Name] carried both hers and his school cases as well as their skateboards. "How would you know if she's your type or not? You've never spoken to her or hung out with her. This is the perfect chance to get to know her better. Besides, your type of girl is probably someone like Cinderella."

"Hey! I know what I like in a girl!"

"Oh really? Well then what is it?"

"Um let's see...I like girls who can stand up for themselves even against Teme, someone who enjoys video games and could possibly play until she passes out, someone who enjoys being around nature and doesn't mind getting thrown into mud and also someone who likes sport like me. Oh and of course can eat half the ramen I can." Naruto ended off with a smile. [Name] stopped outside the gate, just before the road and stood on the pavement. Her mind tried to process everything Naruto had listed and find something that matched Hinata. "Well...she likes nature...not too sure about the mud part though-"

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata called from behind and waved while she ran toward Naruto and [Name]. "Oh, hey Hinata." [Name] greeted with a smile and turned to Naruto. "She's all yours blond one." And before anything else was said, [Name] handed Naruto his skateboard, placed hers on the ground and hopped on before skating her way back home. "How can I make it any more obvious that I like you?" Naruto sighed as he watched [Name] leave and turned to Hinata who simply smiled. Luckily she heard nothing of what he said. "Shall we go?" He asked with a polite smile forced onto his face and caused Hinata to go red once again before she nodded and set off walking with Naruto.
[Name] wasn't going to lie to herself. Naruto had just described her perfectly, but what could she do? She wasn't going be the one to hurt Hinata and steal her dream boy away from her, but on the other hand she had developed slight feelings for Naruto too. I can't do it. Hinata loves him and I'm not going to destroy a potential couple.

As she skated down her seemingly abandoned neighbourhood street, [Name] heard the faint sound of footsteps behind her. Of course she didn't think much of it and continued on her way toward her home, but the footsteps didn't stop. Soon they got louder and louder. [Name] was about to speed up until a hand grabbed her shoulder and yanked her back. In fear, she turned and swung her fist at the person, knocking them down before she turned to run, only to hear: "Oh for the love of..."

The voice was familiar. Slowly [Name] turned, her eyes shut in fear of seeing the one person she tried her best to stay on good terms with. She opened her eyes slowly and of course the person she had hit was none other than Sasuke Uchiha. "What the hell was that for?" He hissed and held his cheek. "Damn, you're all bone to make matters worse."

"I resent that comment. I am perfectly healthy and fleshy!" [Name] said proudly, clearly forgetting who she had punched. "Yeah whatever. Just get me some ice already." Sasuke grumbled while trying to move his jaw. "O-Oh right. Sorry."

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