I Can't Say It Out Loud

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I don't care how well he works as a policeman or how well he's regarded in the eyes of the community. I know he's up to something. Those rumours can't just be made up. And if I find out he's trying to hurt [Name] he'll be sorry he ever met-

"Naruto-kun...?" Hinata called and snapped Naruto out of his thoughts.
"O-Oh. Sorry Hinata. What's up?" He smiled and hesitantly put his arm around his girlfriend as they followed behind Tsubaki and [Name] who led the way to the picnic site.

"You were glaring an awful lot...it's not like you. Are you okay?" Hinata asked and looked at her boyfriend, concern blinding him from her lavender eyes.
"I'm more than okay. We get to have a double date. How cool isn't that?"

Hinata just nodded then looked down at the individual pebbles and specs of dirt as if scrutinizing them to find answers to the million questions in her head. "I don't see why we suddenly changed from going on a date to the horse ranch, to going to the mall and then from the mall to the sporting grounds and from there to the park...that's a lot of places for one date."

Naruto chuckled nervously and looked ahead of him once again. His eyes didn't miss a single movement made by Tsubaki and he couldn't afford to do so.
"Isn't it nice though? I took you around almost half the city. And in the end we found our friends."

"I don't mind being with [Name]-chan and Tsubaki-san, but this is supposed to be our day out together. I just feel like you're..not happy being alone with me."

"No. Hinata...that's not it. I just..." Naruto began and glanced up to see his best friend watching him from her peripheral vision. She was listening intently and she was hopeful that his next response would clear up any suspicions she had before and let her know how he truly felt about her. Or at least give her somewhat of an idea of where their relationship stood. He then turned back to his girlfriend who walked in sync with him and looked at him with desperation for the truth.

"I have to move around a lot remember? And groups are best for when I head out anywhere. It keeps me safer and I promise...I wouldn't be spending this day with anyone other than you..."

It was done.

[Name]'s eyes fluttered, threatening to allow tears to stream down her face while Hinata's eyes brightened and she smiled a warm smile, nuzzling her head into Naruto's arm.

The rest of the walk was silent until eventually a stream was reached and Tsubaki broke the silence by announcing they had arrived.

He held out a hand to [Name] and smiled politely at her as they approached a small bridge allowing for a path across the seemingly harmless flowing water.
[Name] looked at his hand and gave it a thought before smiling and taking hold of it. The two walked hand-in-hand across the bridge and closely behind them followed Hinata and Naruto.

"I hope you brought extra swimwear." Tsubaki chuckled and turned to [Name] who tilted her head at him and gave him a quizzical look until her concentration was broken by the sound of water crashing down below.
As she walked on her own, she eventually reached a cliff and looked down to find a body of water being repeatedly pummelled by the force of a waterfall above. The same waterfall that was formed by the stream they had just crossed, along with a few stray ones coming from different directions.

"Woah. It's beautiful..." she whispered and turned to see Tsubaki remove his hoodie and shoes. She blushed and looked back down. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" He teased as he removed his top and threw it aside. [Name] gave a nervous chuckle and tried her utmost best not gaze too long at his well toned abdomen. He really was a sight for sore eyes.
Before she could ask anything further he backed up a few steps then took off sprinting toward the edge and jumped.
"BY THE WAY, THE PICNIC IS DOWN HERE...." He yelled and his voice began to decrescendo until all you heard was a faint splash from him hitting the water.

[Name] smiled and removed her clothing.
It's the same thing like sport. The adrenaline rush. The guts to do it. I won't know if I'm good unless I try it...
Just as she was about to remove her shoes, Naruto chimed in and grabbed her arm. "You are not seriously doing this...?"

She jerked her arm back and glared. "How about you just leave me alone and enjoy your date since you had no problem ruining mine when I asked you to stay away in the first place?"

"[Name] I'm trying to protect you. It's not safe to be with him."

"It's not safe for me to be with you either but hey, I'm risking my heart and life for you everyday regardless."

And with those final words [Name] took off running and jumped off the edge...

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