His Other Home

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Naruto sat by Minato's bedside and gripped his father's hand. He held it to his forehead as he prayed and prayed, hoping that it wasn't true that his mother, the one who brought him into this world, was dead. The one who brought me into this cruel, heartless, unfair world... his subconscious hissed. He looked up at his father with his puffy eyes and felt his heart break all over again. Minato was covered in bandages from head to toe. Aside from his head injury, the glass of the windows and metal scraps had attacked him on various parts of his body, leaving behind huge gashes.

Without warning, [Name] knocked on the door and Naruto rushed to wipe his tears. "Did you get her things?" He asked and stood up. [Name] remained silent and held out the bag which contained Kushina's belongings. "Thanks." Naruto mumbled and reached out to retrieve his mother's valuables. "Dear Diary," [Name] began and caught Naruto's attention. "Today I got a new friend. Someone I'll cherish and keep beside me no matter what happens. If he feels pain, I will too. If he feels happiness, I will too. If he needs a place to call home I'll be the place he can return to. If he needs to cry, I'll be the shoulder he can cry on..." [Name] reached out her hand and took Naruto's hand in hers. "You suck." Naruto said and chuckled as he tried to keep back tears. "Making me go all mushy and wanna cry." He mumbled and hugged her tightly. "Go ahead. It may be from 3 years ago but it still counts..." [Name] began to rub Naruto's back as he began to weep. It wasn't long before [Name]'s shoulder was soaked with tears. She smiled as she made the already messy blond locks of Naruto's hair even messier. So this is where 'Crying like a baby' came from. her subconscious joked while Naruto struggled to breathe properly and control his crying.

"Hey...d-do you still mean it wh-when you say y-you'll be the place I can return to?" Naruto asked softly and finally wiped his tears. [Name] simply grinned and raised her thumb. "Of course!" She chirped trying to lighten the mood and managed to put a small smile on Naruto's face. "Well then can I come home with you?"

With that being said [Name] froze and gave a nervous chuckle. "O-Oh sure...no problem..."
[Name] opened the door to her house slowly and popped her head in to see if anyone was around. Luckily for her there was no one...or so she thought. She slowly progressed further with Naruto and jumped as the wheels of his bag made a noise as they rolled over the wooden floor. "Naruto, pick it up!" [Name] whisper-shouted and raised the bag from the floor on her own. Naruto blinked then grinned mischievously as he identified his best friend's strange behaviour. "Did someone forget to ask their mother's approval to visit a certain someone else, and use their father's permission instead?" Naruto teased and watched as [Name] shivered at the mere thought. "Well?" Naruto continued as he threatened to stamp his foot against the wooden floor. "Yes! I did it! I did it okay! I asked my dad without my mother's knowledge!" [Name] confessed and Naruto just looked past her.

"What are you looking at?" She asked but before Naruto could answer, [Name] sensed an evil aura. Her mother's evil aura. "[Name]...my precious...lovely...so very, very reliable daughter...where have you been?" Mrs [Mother's name] [Surname] asked as she stroked her daughter's soon-to-be knob covered head. [Name] froze in place and felt sweat running down her face at an incredible speed. With nothing else to do she turned and faced her mother with her sparkling [eye colour] orbs before fluttering her eyelashes and smiling sweetly. "Hello mom..." she said in her best innocent, angelic voice. Naruto had already taken a seat on the staircase as he prepared for the show.

A vein popped up on [Mother's name]'s forehead and not long after she began chasing [Name] around with a very handy, good to beat with, wooden spoon which not even she knew where she got it from. "Where in the hell were you?!" She yelled after her daughter who bolted around the house like a bunny. "I was visiting a friend!" [Name] yelled in response. "What 'friend'?! I know none of these people! You can't go visiting people I don't know!" [Mother's name] came to a stop and began throwing pillows at her daughter. One would swear they were more like sisters. "I WENT TO GO VISIT NARUTO! AND HE CAME HOME WITH ME!" [Name] yelled and took cover from the pillows being thrown. "Naruto?" [Mother's name] repeated and turned to the staircase where she found Naruto sitting and waving to her. "Hi ya, Mrs [Surname]."

[Mother's name] froze as she stared at the boy. [Name] felt a sweat droplet run down her face as she tried to catch her breath and before she knew it, her mother was hugging and cuddling Naruto. "Awww! Hello my Little Wittle Cutie Blondie Wondie baby boy, Naruto."

"Geez. If you ever gave me that name I would think you were drunk during labour and I would have probably killed myself by now..." [Name] muttered, and still her mother was able to pick it up and turned to glare at her daughter, before lunging at her and beginning to wrestle with her. "Take it back!" [Mother's name] yelled and [Name] screamed. "This is abuse! Mom stop! Naruto help!"

Naruto simply shrugged and laughed as his best friend got bent in different directions and formed many different poses. "You were the one who decided to ask your father instead of your mother." And now [Name] was ticked off.


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