This Again...

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[Name] pushed through the crowd and forced herself to keep back the tears which threatened to divulge their presence. She was in search of one person, and it was none other than Sasuke. Occasionally she would look behind her, in hope to see Naruto running after her to tell her the kiss was a mistake, or at least something to that manner. Perhaps he would grab her hand and embrace her and tell her that the whole thing meant nothing and the only girl he loved was her, but alas that was only something that happened in a romantic film.

Instead on the other side of the house, Naruto found himself seated in the living room and staring at the rag dolls. They were clearly handmade. The little spots of blood and visible stuffing gave all the clarification he needed. "Dude! It's your party! Get up and dance!" Kiba hollered, causing somewhat of a chain reaction, where everyone felt the need to either cheer or scream.

Back with [Name], she had finally completed her mission and found Sasuke standing near the door and looking out at the street. "Sasuke!" She cried over the loud music, desperately trying to get his attention. The young Uchiha boy turned his head, with his usual blank expression across his face. "What's wrong?!" He called back. [Name], eventually found herself standing right in front of him as she looked up at him. "I need to go!"

Sasuke simply began to scowl as he folded his arms. "You can't leave! Do you not realise that you're a target?! Just as much as Naruto needs you to protect him, you need him-"

"He doesn't need me! You're here now!"

"[Name] listen to me! I, alone, am already struggling! This party is a terrible idea because this house has too many weak spots! Not to mention there are over 50 suspects here, mainly because people we can 'trust' brought along friends! Do you understand the direty of this situation?!"

[Name] stared down at the ground and bit her lip. Why did she, of all people, have to be the one helping Naruto? Why did she have to risk her life to keep him safe? She was reminded the answer as Sasuke held out her diary to her. "Here. I don't think it's such a good idea to keep this laying around all over the place." His voice was subtle and kind as he pulled her close and embraced her in his arms. "I know this whole situation sucks right now, and I know your feelings for Naruto are going to get in the way, but you need to suck it up just for a little while longer. 'Kay?"

[Name] nodded in response before looking out at the street and squinting as she saw the silhouette of a man running around the house. "Sasuke!" She yelled in alarm. Not more than a second later, the lights in the house went out causing panick to disrupt the, before, joyful party which was going so strong just moments ago. Of course, Sasuke came prepared and turned on a flashlight before locking the door and pulling [Name] along with him to Naruto. Naruto, was already up on his feet and holding the rag dolls as Sasuke ran up to him and turned off his flashlight. Using the map of the house in his mind, the Uchiha pulled his two friends behind him to the second level of the home where most of the rooms and the bathroom were located. This is a gamble. The attacker could be up here waiting...or they could be downstairs in the crowd. At least up here we have the upper hand of 3 to 1 instead of being downstairs with 50+ possible suspects to 3. Sasuke thought as he shut the room door behind him and heard tumbling behind him. When he checked to see what it was, all he could make out was wide cerulean eyes staring into equally as wide [eye colour] eyes.

As his curiosity got the best of him, he turned on the flashlight and shone it at the area where he was expecting to see two bodies. A chuckle was partially heard as Sasuke watched his two helpless friends lay in their awkward position. Naruto above [Name] with his hand on her breast while [Name]'s knee threatened to raise higher than it already was and at a faster rate to cause displeasure for Naruto's nether regions.

"Excuse me, I should turn this off." Sasuke actually joked for once and turned off the flashlight once more before turning to the curtains and closing them.

Of course the jokes wouldn't last forever. Sasuke took out his phone and began his attempt to call the police while [Name] and Naruto remained helpless in their situation. "[Name] you like-"

"We should get up Naruto, we can't let Sasuke keep protecting us forever." [Name] muttered before getting up and pushing Naruto off her. Naruto sighed and sat in corner, accepting the fact that he would be useless in this situation. "Finally..." Sasuke mumbled as his phone ended the continuous rings and a human voice was heard on the other end of the line. "Yeah, hi. I need Tsubaki Hayashida and Fugaku Uchiha to make their way to the home of the [Surname]'s. No explanation needed, they'll know why." He ended the call and no sooner than he had put his phone away, there was a knock on the door...

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