Don't Take What's Mine

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The week flew by and before [Name] knew it, it was Saturday and time to spend the day with Tsubaki at the park.

As usual, the young teenager woke up and ran downstairs to turn on the TV. The morning bulletin had just begun and while the anchor spoke about the same old news for the hundredth time, [Name] prepared some [bacon/macon] and eggs for herself and Naruto as well as her mother. Her father had left much earlier that morning to go to work.

He may as well move his bedroom to that place...he's rarely ever home. [Name] thought as she cracked a few eggs into the pan, ensuing a sizzling noise and a mouth-watering aroma of butter and egg to travel throughout the household.

Not long after, [Name]'s attention was caught by a familiar blond haired male standing at the entrance of the kitchen. It was none other than Naruto, who stood staring at [Name] with sleepy eyes and wore nothing by his boxers and socks.

"Why are you up so early? It's like 3 in the morning." Naruto drawled.

"It's 7:30, Naruto..." [Name] said dismissively and continued cooking her eggs, while deciding to begin with the batter for waffles as she knew Naruto would prefer them.

"Yeah, but's super early. We only go horseback riding at 12..." Naruto groaned as he hoisted himself up onto the countertop, grabbing an apple and beginning to clean it on his boxers.
[Name] froze at the mention of horseback riding. She had completely forgotten about the one activity herself and Naruto always did together.

But he has Hinata. He'll probably find something to do with her.
"I'm not going horseback riding today, Naruto. Tsubaki invited me out to spend the day with him."

Naruto took a bite of the apple and frowned.
"The pedophile?" He uncharacteristically spat.

[Name]'s blood boiled as she glared up at her best friend.
"He's not a pedophile, Naruto. You and I both know those are just rumours."

"The woman beater then."

"He is not a woman beater either!"

Naruto scoffed as he slipped off the counter and rolled his eyes. "I'll come with you then. You know you can't be alone." He murmured and turn to head upstairs.

[Name] frowned and removed the eggs from the pan, taking it in one hand and turning to the sink to rinse it before adding the [bacon/macon] to it along with some butter as she did with the eggs. "I won't be alone...Tsubaki will be with me. And I happen to trust him very much, but thanks for your concern. Just spend the day with Hinata."

Naruto paused and looked back at his best friend. His blood boiled at her unmerited behaviour toward him. "Fine then. I'll spend the day with her. And I'll make sure we stop by to check on you."


"I don't care. I'm doing it either way."
With that said, he disappeared around the corner and [Name] listened as his footsteps began to grow softer as he disappeared into the room.

He's so unnecessary!
[Name] entered the park with her backpack and skateboard under her arm. In attempt to appear more girly, she wore a pink wool sweater and white denim jeans with a pink wool hat over her hair, which she had down. Her lips were glossy from the lip balm she had used earlier and her cheeks rosy from the "miniscule" amount of blush she had stolen from her mother's make-up collection.

You look retarded...this is stupid. Go home. Go change. You look like Barbie's rejected cousin. Just go back home and change. This isn't you. Seriously you look-

"AHH!" [Name] screamed as a pair of masculine hands gripped her waist from behind. She turned to swing and as she did this, Tsubaki ducked just in time and chuckled as he hopped back.
"You're looking ravishingly beautiful today, your pinkness.."

[Name] felt her cheeks heat up as she stared at the 24 year-old. She hadn't noticed before how well toned or fit he actually was. Or how his eyes were actually a beautiful violet colour that complimented his jet black locks perfectly. He had a slight tan too, seeing as he spent most of his time patrolling the city anyway. He wore a three quarter shorts and hoodie (which was unzipped to reveal his muscle top beneath) and his smile had her weak in the knees.

"You shouldn't just grab a girl from behind like that, Tsubaki-san. You never know what she's capable of."

Tsubaki chuckled and shoved his hands into his pockets "But I know what you're capable of, and quite frankly I don't mind being hit by you. Some of us need a little punishment to learn a lesson." His said, his voice husky and a little sadistic.

It sent a shiver down [Name]'s spine but she was too entranced by his looks to give it a second thought.

"Anyway! Shall we be on our way? I got us a spot near the lake."

"Isn't that through the forest? Walking sounds like an effort."

"Would you prefer I carry you then?" Tsubaki chuckled and [Name] groaned as she playfully fell on top of him. "OH, YES PLEASE, MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR. Being on my feet for such an extended period of time is tiresome to a woman as important as I."

They both chuckled and to [Name]'s surprise, Tsubaki picked her and held an arm under her bottom before crouching down to pick her skateboard. "Then let's be on our way." He said and looked [Name] in her [eyes colour] eyes as she stared in disbelief at the man holding her.

She was about to say something in response when all of a sudden, a familiar voice was heard in the distance. "[NAME]! Is that you?!"
[Name] snapped back to reality and turned to see the bright blond locks of hair belonging to her best friend, blow around freely in the wind, making them even messier than usual.

You've got to be kidding me.

She sighed and turned to Tsubaki.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't think he would actually-"

"What a coincidence! Guess that makes finishing the food I bought a little easier. There was no way only the two of us could finish it all. Now we have four stomachs to feed."

"Four?" [Name] frowned and turned to see Hinata emerge from behind Naruto. She grunted in displeasure and averted her eyes as Naruto and Hinata approached.
Tsubaki smiled kindly at the two teenagers and chuckled. "How nice to see you two again. Especially you, Uzumaki-san. I thought you would be spending time with Hinata today-"

"Yeah, well, we happened to see you guys here and I figured we could join you for a double date. It's the new in thing." Naruto interrupted and his cerulean eyes travelled down to Tsubaki's arm beneath [Name]'s bottom. His blood boiled as he looked back up at Tsubaki. Tsubaki paid no heed to Naruto's unusual behaviour and merely smiled in return, whereas Naruto glared.

I'll break that damn arm if you don't move it very soon... Naruto thought as a breeze cut between the four individuals. It was ice cold, just like the feelings he had toward his elder standing in front of him.
A/N: ...I know, I know. It's been a while. And I'm sorry okay?!
I'm here now though! And I gave you guys a new chapter! New Year, New me. Don't hold that against me, I'm probably going to take another 10 years to make another chapter anyway. Lol. Sorry guys.

But on a serious note, I am sorry about the really long delay in an update. I haven't been inspired to write and I'd rather make a great chapter to continue the book than just give you guys crap to keep you entertained for a little while, so please excuse my long periods of writers block.
I will honestly and truly try my best to continue updating regularly and writing when I get a chance, and I might just start another book. I'm open to suggestions. :)

With that being said, Happy New Year everyone. I hope you enjoy it and may it be good to you.

MissUzuchiha (<-- oof so fancy of me.)

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