Now We're Part Of This

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[Name] pulled Sasuke up and apologised once again while she dusted the annoyed boy off. They slowly made their way to [Name]'s home and as [Name] opened the door, her heart stopped at the sight of her unconscious mother in a pool of blood. "Mother!" [Name] yelled in alarm. She ran to her mother's side to inspect her and found a slight head wound. Sasuke got on his knees beside the bewildered girl and put on a pair of latex gloves before reaching out two fingers to feel for a pulse on the woman's neck. He had already called the police and they were on their way. "She still has a pulse. She's okay [Name]." He reassured [Name], who was beginning to have a small anxiety attack. "She's okay...she's okay..." she repeated to herself and took deep breaths. Sasuke on the other hand stood up and began walking around, which was common from being the son of the adored Fugaku Uchiha, Head of the Konoha Military Police Force. Immediately he began identifying the many clues left behind at the scene. "Sasuke what are you doing? And why do you just conveniently have a pair of latex gloves with you?!" [Name] asked in annoyance while Sasuke turned to look at her. "Well first off I'm trying to figure out if this was an accident or not and second...I'm the son of the Head of Konoha Police...why wouldn't I be carrying a pair of gloves around?"

[Name] shrugged to show a sign of approval of his answers before getting up. "Try to wake her up while I go upstairs." Sasuke instructed and made his way upstairs to search for any clues, leaving [Name] to try and wake her mother up. Eventually [Mother's name] woke up and shot right up before gasping for air. "[NAME]!" She yelled and grabbed her daughter to embrace her. "Mom what happened?!" [Name] asked worriedly while Sasuke came back downstairs. "Oh I dunno...I can't remember so"

"Was there someone in the house?" Sasuke asked just as the faint sound of police sirens came from down the street. "Uh...I...I think head really hurts." [Mother's name] groaned and held her head while [Name] assisted her with standing up. Within seconds the police pulled up in the drive way and Tsubaki, along with Fugaku, got out of the cop car and made their way inside. "What's the situation?" Tsubaki asked, not only enthusiastic about solving a crime but also determined to impress his superior.

"Well the victim cannot remember whether she was pushed down the stairs or tripped, but according to the paper and animal mask, I'm almost positive Mrs. [Surname] is a victim of attempted murder." Sasuke calmly responded, leaving Tsubaki slightly annoyed and Fugaku impressed. "Good job Sasuke...we'll take over from here..." Tsubaki hissed and proceeded to search the home.

[Name] allowed her mother to be taken by Fugaku for questioning and took the opportunity to ask Sasuke a few of her own questions. "Hey Uchiha." [Name] called after the raven haired teen who simply turned to her, annoyance clear in his eyes. "What?" He snapped. "No need to be rude. Anyway...a piece of paper with a symbol on and an animal mask? Isn't that what was left behind by the murders of the 3rd Hokage, the Hokage's aide and Kushina and Minato's car accident? Does it mean whoever killed those people are coming after my family too?" [Name] asked worriedly. Sasuke sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be allowed home any time soon and decided to walk out to the front yard with [Name] before sitting down on the grass. "Well, the police have reason to believe that the person behind these murders and car accidents is trying to become Hokage. How do they know this? By taking out the third Hokage it ensures that once the fourth Hokage is out there will be no one else to take over."

"Right. I get that."

"Now taking out the wife of the Hokage along with his aide would make it even easier because first, there is no one else who would have authority to be Hokage and second, a new aide -- possibly this persons own selection of people -- would mean that anything he or she says will most definitely be carried through."

"Yeah, but where does hurting my family come into this equation?"

"The Hokage is able to give up his position to any blood relative, correct?"

"Yeah, but-"

"And who would that blood relative be?"

[Name] thought for a moment before she finally realised what was happening.
"Naruto..." she answered.

"Exactly and who's watching over him now when he's most vulnerable?"

"Myself and my family." [Name] sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. Sasuke looked down the street and frowned. "Where is that loser anyway?" He asked and turned back to [Name] who immediately shot right up. "He's with Hinata! We gotta go get him!" [Name] bolted out as she darted for the door. "Relax he's okay as long as he's with someone..." Sasuke sighed and laid back on the grass. "Yeah, but he'll want to walk her home and then he'll be alone and, and!" [Name] panicked and began to stop breathing. Sasuke sighed once more before getting up and walking to [Name] then beginning to rub her neck. "Calm down..." he said softly. [Name] frowned at his sudden touch. "What are you...dude don't touch-"

Before she finished her sentence, she felt a sharp pain in her neck and in a matter of seconds she was lights out. "Hn..." Sasuke mumbled and picked the girl up before going back inside and finding his father.
A/N: Hey guys. Just wanted to say thanks for all the reads. Hope you enjoy this story further.


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