His Return

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All attention was focused on the middle aged man who had entered the room. Plenty of smiles and only scowl belonging to the raven haired, teen Uchiha. "Mr [Surname]! You're home!" Naruto celebrated and the male simply waved, having a nonchalant aura to himself. "Naruto boy. You're here to visit I presume?" [Father's name] [Surname] quetioned. However, instead of a cheerful smile and nod from the blond, he got in return a saddened facial expression and mumble of: "Yeah, but it's gonna be a while..."

Determined not to allow her best friend's mood to be dampened any further, [Name] gave a soft chuckle and greeted her father with a hug. "You brought us presents right daddy?" She asked and moved her head around her father in search of possible hidden gifts. "[Name]...greetings first, then presents for everyone. And Naruto my boy, I am certain you will love your gift."

[Father's name] then turned to his wife who remained seated with a bandage wrapped around her head. "My Love, what happened to you?"

"Oh, it's-"

"She was pushed down a flight of stairs just a few hours ago. Not that you would know. You weren't here to help her when she needed you. Where were you anyway? You were supposed to be home by 8 this morning weren't you? And yet you were not."

"Sasuke! Enough!" Fugaku scolded his son who grumbled and found his way back to his seat.

"I am so sorry for my son's behaviour. This is why I usually take Itachi out on investigations." The elder Uchiha apologised.

"Oh, no it is quite alright. It's simply Sasuke trying his best to impress his father, correct Uchiha-kun?" [Father's name] asked and turned to the teen who simply scoffed making the already awkward atmosphere even denser.

"My, my, the children of today. Well if you must know, I was absent due to the fact that I was buying gifts for my family and friends. I was completely oblivious of what was happening here at home. That is my alibi and I have a few people who can back it up." [Father's name] explained.

"Well, it's not as though we should be doubting you so that you need to give us reasons for not being around, but thank you. Tsubaki here will let you know about the precautions we have to take. Tsubaki!"

Hearing his name being called, Fugaku's colleague popped his head out from the fridge which he had been rummaging through, at first for evidence, but once his mind had gone adrift it was solely for the purpose of feeding himself.
"Oh, r-right," he swallowed. "Since Mrs [Surname] has been attacked and was supposed to be killed, it is believe that the perpetrator will return once he realises the job has not been a success. Especially since Mrs [Surname] could possibly give us a few more leads on who attacked her. Therefore we need a few officers to either guard the house or take Mrs [Surname] into hiding...or something to that sort."

Mrs [Surname]'s eyes had now opened wide. "Don't take my mom away, please!" [Name] pleased but ultimately was silenced by her father's arm. "Thank you Tsubaki-san."

"If that is all then we'll be in our way." Fugaku announced and raised from his seat, followed by his son and his colleague ran after them. "Thank you all for your help." Mrs [Surname] said as the males walked toward the door. "Oh, and please remember to take your gifts." [Father's name] reminded and ran to hand each of the males their gifts.


"Thank you again...[Father's name]."

"Thank you Mr [Surname]!"

With that [Father's name] bowed and all three males were on their way home.
Finally [Name]'s father turned to them and smiled. "And I'll be handing your gifts to you three tomorrow. You guys should go to bed. Especially you my Love. Your head won't heal without rest."

"Right, I'm off to bed." Mrs [Surname] announced and cautiously made her way to bed. The two teens both looked at each other before nodding and making their way to bed, leaving Mr [Surname] all alone downstairs to inspect the crime scene. A scowl appeared on his face before he stepped outside and began a seemingly serious phone call.
Sasuke got home that evening and sat down at his desk. He placed his gift on the wooden surface and stared at the wrapping while a million guesses as to what could be inside ran through his head. It wasn't unexpected though. He had history with the man from whom he had received the gift. Bad history, and he wasn't about to begin to trust him now.

He was about to open the gift and find out what exactly was inside until Fugaku yelled from upstairs to his younger son. Sasuke sighed and placed the gift under the table before proceeding to lock the doors and close a few windows before he ran up the stairs to get into bed.

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