10 October

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[Name] awoke the following day and felt the chilly breeze linger around in her room. It was a reminder of the season being autumn and the special day being 10 October, better known as the day her best friend had come into the world. Yes, it was Naruto's birthday -- his 17th birthday to be exact. [Name] darted out of bed and ran out of her room. She silently opened her door and peeked out at Naruto's new room door which was just down the hall to the left before her parent's room. Hastily, she made her way downstairs after she had made certain that Naruto was still asleep, but came to an abrupt stop as she saw her father seated on the couch, staring out beyond the veranda at the pond found in the backyard.

This pond was filled with reeds and fish the man had caught with his daughter when she was much younger. A smile of nostalgia slowly found it's way onto his face as he thought back on the memories. "Good morning father." [Name] greeted, receiving a calm nod from her father before he returned to his thoughts and sipped from his green tea which he had prepared just a few moments ago. "Morning [Name] dear. You slept well, yes?" He asked and took another sip of his tea.

"Well, yes. Yes, I did thank you for asking father." [Name] mumbled before looking up at her father. "Um...father, I would like to make a request."

"What is it?"

[Name] stared in shock. Her usually too-busy-to-even-talk father was asking her what her request was. "O-Oh..well..I wanted to have a party for Naruto, seeing it's his birthday and everything." By now her father had clearly lost interest. "Please allow it father. Please! I will clean after everyone! And I'll make sure that I make all the invitations and get replies today! Please father!" She begged and got onto her knees to bow as she usually would when it came to asking for something from her father.

"Very well, I'll arrange for decorations and snacks. But no drugs or alcohol in this house will be tolerated. I will arrange to go out with your mother. Understood?" Mr [Surname] declared and set down his cup of tea on the troy before arising to his feet.

[Name] looked up in disbelief at her father before she too rose to her feet and eagerly embraced her father and felt tears well up in her eyes as she thanked him. Finally after so long she had gotten something from him. "Oh, thank you daddy! You won't regret it!" She chirped before bouncing off to her room.

"Oh, and the party is only until 12!" Her father called up to her as she climbed the stairs, heading for her room.

"Got it!"

"And don't let Naruto find out!"

"I got it daddy!"
At school [Name] ran around in search of all Naruto's friends and handed them the invitations she had busily made just before she made her way to school. All she did was hand them the invitation and tell them to let her know if they could come before the end of the day before running off to the next person and doing the same thing.

Eventually she only had one left and that was Hinata. Feeling proud of herself, [Name] skipped to the cafeteria where she was certain she would find Hinata and so she did, but sadly there she found Naruto too. Her blood boiled and her heart shattered as sadness and rage ran through her body at once. There she saw Naruto seated beside Hinata while she fed him his lunch. Knowing that she was only Naruto's best friend and Hinata was probably going to be something more really soon, [Name] simply dismissed her feelings and walked over to Hinata before calling her aside and leaving Naruto behind.

"Naruto's 17th birthday party. Be there or be square. Whoever made that phrase up was probably high but anyway be there. And don't let Naruto know." [Name] said and handed the last invitation to Hinata, trying to restrain her anger and resentment as she walked away.
Of course, after the whole incident at the cafeteria, [Name] found herself filled with jealousy and anger toward Hinata. She didn't even understand why she was trying to throw this party for a boy who probably didn't like her anyway. Meanwhile downstairs, guests chatted amongst themselves while they waited for Naruto and Sasuke.

Why was Sasuke with Naruto? Simple. Sasuke had taken Naruto out to go shop for ingredients for ramen while everyone else set up back at [Name]'s house, and now it was time for him to come back and witness all the planning his best friend had gone through for his birthday.

[Name] had already sent a text to Sasuke, saying that he was allowed to bring Naruto back but as usual all he was worried about was the incident from the day before and his only response was: "How could you have a party after your house had become a crime scene?" and as usual she just ignored it and told him to make his way back.

A few minutes passed and as Sasuke neared the house, [Name] finally came downstairs. "Okay everyone! They're nearly here! Hide!"

As she said this everyone scattered around the house and hid away, only to hear the door unlock and have the blond enter before jumping out and shouting:

Naruto froze up for just a few seconds before a smile broke out onto his face and he gave his signature grin and chuckle. "Aww shucks guys! You shouldn't have!" He blushed and chuckled once more before Kiba lightened the atmosphere and jumped onto a table. "LET'S PARTY!"

With that said, everyone proceeded to turn into wild animals while Naruto made his way through the crowd to [Name] and grinned. "You did this?!" He shouted over the music. "Yeah! Pretty awesome right?!" [Name] yelled in return and looked around at the various balloons floating around while strobe lights flashed and a disco ball hung from the ceiling. Not to mention the various snack tables which were found along the walls. "It's all thanks to my dad! Oh, and he reminded me! You should open this!" [Name] shouted once more and held out the gift Naruto had received the day before.

His cerulean eyes lit up as he took the box and began to rattle it and tried to hear what it was. However, just as he was about to open it he was stopped by Hinata. "O-Oh! Hey Hinata!" He greeted and smiled at the navy blue haired girl who blushed and averted her lavender eyes. "Um Naruto-kun...I have a gift for you." She said as loudly as possibly.

"Oh! Great Hinata! What is it?!"

[Name] was just about to interject, but was stopped as Hinata turned bright red and kissed Naruto causing him to drop the gift. As it fell, the item inside shattered, making it apparent that the gift was something made from glass, but at that very moment not only did the gift shatter but so did [Name]'s heart.

When Naruto finally ended the kiss and watched Hinata blush even darker shades of red and disappear into the crowd, he turned and saw no one where [Name] was originally standing. Instead he saw two small rag dolls in front of him beside the broken gift from [Name]'s father. One looked like him and the other like [Name] and their hands had been connected.
As Naruto looked closer he saw a message sewn onto the male rag doll which read: "Happy Birthday Naruto! Thanks for being such an amazing best friend"

And when he looked over at the female he read: "I love you and always will no matter what.


A/N: Thanks for the 800 reads guys! I really appreciate it. Yes I am killing myself for not updating in like forever but I thought 2 chapters would make up for it and I guess you could say it's a Naruto birthday special. Happy Birthday Naruto!!!
Enjoy guys!!!

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