A Kiss Of Life

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As [Name] fell, her mind went blank. All she could hear was the faint sound of the waterfall beside her and the earsplitting screams of Naruto's voice in her head.

I wouldn't be spending this day with anyone other than you...

The same line played over and over in her head for what seemed like an eternity until, eventually, she was snapped out of her train of thought by Tsubaki who cheered for her just before her body collided with the water.

The icy cold water left [Name] more than awake. She swam to the surface and gasped for air as she looked around for Tsubaki.

"Tsubaki? Tsubaki are you here?" She called but the young man would not appear.
She was about to swim to land to get out until she was grabbed from behind and pulled behind the waterfall.
She screamed in fear and - back on the cliff - Naruto heard from above.

Without a second thought he released Hinata from his grip and ran to the edge.
"Hinata call the police!" He yelled and startled his panicked girlfriend who quickly fumbled around in her handbag for her phone and hastily dialled the number.
Meanwhile, Naruto removed his clothes as his eyes darted across the water in search of any movement.

"Hello? Hi? Yes, sorry. This is Hinata Hyuga. We have an emergency. My friend [Name] [Surname] has just jumped off the side of a cliff and disappeared. No. No I am not joking! No it's not a prank! Please we need hel-...hello? Hello?!" Hinata turned to Naruto and shook her head. "It's no good."

Naruto clicked his tongue and turned to the edge once more. "Meet me down there and be safe. If you see anyone, run." He instructed before backing up a few steps. He then took of running and jumped off the edge, diving down toward the body of water below.

As he fell into the water he resurfaced to be face-to-face with Tsubaki. The older man looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face. "Naruto? You didn't take the walking route down?"

"Cut the crap. Where is [Name]?"

"I have no idea what you're talking-"

"You're gonna tell me she just dived and miraculously disappeared into thin air after screaming?!"

"I'm serious. I was underwater and didn't see her if she jumped."

Naruto was about to argue further before his attention was grabbed by the sound of muffled screams and splashing. He quickly swam toward the waterfall and looked behind him to make sure Tsubaki wasn't following, before diving under and swimming to the other side. As he came back up for air he saw his best friend clawing at a person wearing an animal mask who held her underwater.

He stood frozen, unsure of what to do until his eyes caught Tsubaki surfacing quietly behind the figure.
With a little nod, he let Naruto know he was ready for the next move and it was returned by a hesitant nod from Naruto.
"HEY! LET HER GO!" Naruto yelled and caught the attention of the supposed assassin.

In one swift movement, Tsubaki had his arms locked around the masked man's neck and held him in place until he released the young girl.
Naruto dived back under and grabbed his best friend who had been knocked unconscious and sunk to the bottom. He pulled her close to his body and felt her warmth slowly begin to disappear. Quickly he swam back to the surface and - while ignoring Tsubaki's efforts to stop the perpetrator - he swam to dry land where he gently lay her body in front of him.

Hinata came running and fell to her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Behind her followed two policemen who stopped beside Naruto and looked at the waterfall.
"Where is Tsubaki Hayashida?" One asked and Naruto pointed behind the waterfall before turning back to his best friend and pinching the bridge of her nose.
He opened her mouth ever so slightly and slowly lowered his lips to hers.

Slowly but surely. Inch by inch, the space between their lips began to close, until they touched...

Naruto Uzumaki gave [Name] [Surname] one of the best kisses he could ever give.

He gave her the kiss of life...

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