A Bad Turn of Events

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It was 8:30AM. Naruto woke up feeling sluggish and blinked in an attempt to get his weary eyes to adjust to his surroundings. It took him some time, but eventually they adjusted and remained open. However, just as he thought he was ready to start his day, his body and mind told him otherwise and forced him to fall asleep once again. [Name] watched in amusement as her friend struggled like this for 15 minutes but refused to assist. "You're really not a morning person." She chuckled and watched the blond fall asleep with his head rested on her stomach once again.

With nothing much else for her to do, [Name] remained lying down and checked her phone for messages. As usual the first person to notice her online was Hinata who wasted no time beginning a conversation.

'Ohayo, [Name]-chan. How did Naruto-kun sleep?'

'Um..hi Hinata. Can't really answer your question. Prince Charming is still fast asleep on my stomach.'

'That must be fun.'

'If I could feel my legs and butt, then I might agree with you. But sadly I can't and I don't think he's planning to move any time soon.'

'Aww. He'll wake up soon. For your sake I hope so.'

[Name] was about to reply but was cut short by the landline ringing. "Who in the world..." she mumbled and glanced down at the blond who lay awake staring at her with his cerulean eyes. "Phone's ringing."
[Name] simply felt a sweat drop form on her forehead. "Great discovery Einstein..." With that Naruto grinned and rolled off his friend only to land on the floor with a hard thud. "Ite!!!" He yelled.
The [hair colour] haired female laughed and got up before making her way to answer the phone. "What'd you expect to happen? You were gonna land on a mattress?"

"Well that would have been more gentle than the floor." Naruto pouted and rubbed his head. [Name] giggled and answered the phone. "Hello. [Name] speaking...y-yes Tsunade-sama...okay we're on our way." [Name] spoke into the phone before hanging up and looking at Naruto. "What's going on?" He asked carefree and stretched. "It's your parents..."
Naruto burst in through the doors of the hospital and ran around frantically in search of his parents. "Naruto slow down!" [Name] yelled after her best friend who didn't cease his running. For the past 25 kilometers she had been running behind Naruto, simply trying to keep him insight while he ran without a single fault in his step. Finally her legs gave in as she collapsed on the ground and tried to catch her breath, causing Naruto to calm down and show an initiative by helping his best friend up. "S-Sorry. I didn't realise how fast I was running."

"N-No, it's okay. I'm not as fit as I used to be...maybe." [Name] said, trying not let her best friend feel guilty. Naruto simply smiled and hugged her before nuzzling his nose into her neck. [Name] could feel him shaking. Be it from over exerting his physical ability or worry, she had to find a way calm him down. "Hey...why don't we go in together? Sound good?" [Name] whispered and rubbed Naruto's back. Finally his grip wasn't as tight anymore and his shaking came to an end. "Yeah. I-It sounds like a good idea."

"Then let's go." [Name] said with a smile on her face and dragged Naruto behind her as she searched for the ward Minato and Kushina would be found in. Please...anything but the morgue...

Not long after, [Name] and Naruto found Tsunade who, as usual, was scaring Shizune and treating patients. "Tsunade-sa-"

"Tsunade-baa-chan! Where's my mom and dad?!" Naruto interrupted [Name]. Tsunade turned to look at the teenagers who stood in the doorway of the ward. "Naruto you're here." Tsunade said casually and walked to the panicked boy. So much for my calming methods. [Name]'s subconscious mumbled. "Follow me." Tsunade said casually as she made her way to her office, leaving Shizune to take over for her. With nothing else to do, both [Name] and Naruto followed Tsunade to her office.
"Now listen Naruto," Tsunade began and spun around in her chair to face the two teenagers sitting across from her. "No matter what I say, you have to promise not to flip out. Understood?"

"Yeah okay! Now where are they?!"

Tsunade sighed and leaned back in her chair. "According to witnesses, there was a drunk driver who crashed into the car and caused your parents to collide with the building-"

"I don't care about the story! Where are my parents?!" Naruto yelled and stood up from his chair. "Naruto calm down." [Name] frowned and pulled her best friend back into his seat. "As I was saying...they collided with the building. I'm sorry to say that...your mother was killed in the accident. The force of the car hitting the door and the door crushing her, fractured a few of her ribs which then cut her lungs and made it difficult for her to breathe resulting in death." Tsunade explained. Naruto fell back into his seat and froze. His mind tried to comprehend what was happening while his heart began to ache.

"And Minato-san?" [Name] asked. Her eyes had already become wide and she was on the edge of her seat. She too was unable to believe Kushina had died. "Oh...Minato is alright. It's a miracle actually. He's basically just in a coma despite hitting his head against the wall."

"O-Oh..." [Name] was speechless. She looked over to Naruto who didn't utter a word and bit her lip. "May we see Minato-san please?" she asked politely and Tsunade nodded in response before looking at Naruto sympathetically and getting up to guide the two teenagers to Minato's ward. [Name] took Naruto's hand and pulled him up to follow Tsunade. His body followed but his mind was completely blank.

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