Chapter Three

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When I woke up, it was already morning. "Wha-what happened..?" I questioned. As things started to clear up for me, the Purple Man looked at me. "You're okay, I see. What a nightmare you had." He said in a quiet voice. "Nightmare? You mean it wasn't real?" I asked. "Well, you were knocked out, so that doesn't mean it was a real nightmare. Just rest for a little bit."

"Tomorrow is another day." 

He and I walked out of the office. Baby looked strangely as I left him. I got into my car and drove away. As I looked up at the mirror, the bear looked straight into it. "How did?!" I suddenly stopped the car at its track. "Hey! What are you doing?!" The driver behind me yelled with his hand clutched into a fist. "Sorry!" I said back at him. "You'd better be! Gosh, I almost hit you!"

As I parked the car near the house, my parents opened up the door. "Honey, um." "What? What is it?" "We've got some bad news." They slammed the newspaper on the table. It said this:

The restaurant phenomenon known as Circus Baby's Pizza World is now closing because of a mysterious odor and blood dripping from the animatronics. Also, employees have been killed for unknown reasons. If anyone works here, we are sorry to say the restaurant is closing. It will be open until July 12, 1987. "We will have to do an inspection," Dr. Carmen said to us. "To make sure that the suits are all cleaned up."

Open space will be available on this day. Call 718-537-9897

"This can't be happening!" I said. "It's gonna happen. You need to get some money before it closes down." Dad said. "What day is it?" I asked as I looked at the calendar. "July 7. Five more days until the restaurant closes down." I texted James about the place closing down and said that I would be able to come.

The place I was working at is closing down in five days. I need something to fix the animatronics and say that the murder was an accident. I'm gonna need all the help I can get. Call people or friends that are available to help. Thanks for helping.

I sat down on my bed, thinking about what would be built if the place closed down. A skyscraper that reached 100 feet high, no, that would be impossible. A bank? Possibly, since it's in a nearby beach town. Hm.

After I thought, I felt sleepy and went to sleep. I had the craziest dream:

As I woke up in a dark room with only a Spring Bonnie suit, I saw Purple Guy looking at something. I looked behind me and saw 5 souls of children crying and saying, "Why would you?" "How could you do this?" "Why would you do this to us?" As the Purple Guy looked behind him and saw the suit, he got himself suited up. "Ha! You can't get me in here!" He taunted them. When he breathed though, that was a mistake. The spring locks got him, crushing his body into nothing but a pile of blood. The baby animatronic looked down on the suit, making her eyes a spotlight on him. When she looked at me, all I saw was whiteness, and I woke up.

I noticed that I somehow was already at the pizzeria. Police cars surrounded the establishment, along with two ambulances and several news trucks. Police officers and reporters were in front of the diner. I met the Purple Guy by the side of the building. "What happened to the suits?" I start interrogating him. "The suits, um, weren't stuffed at all." "Then, how do you explain the blood dripping down?" "Well, um, the children put tomato sauce down the animatronic's mouth." "Then, why do I smell a bad odor when I go?" "Obviously, it's rotten." "Then how come I saw what looked like necks in the suit?" "Alright fine. You caught me."

Now, I didn't know this, but I knew I was suspecting him. This was the extreme clue to the mystery:

"I killed them."

He had finally come clean, and the mystery was solved.

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