Chapter Five

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The sky was black, only to be filled with the stars and the moon. As I walked into the establishment, I had noticed one of the animatronics were gone. "Where is Spring Bonnie?" I asked as I looked upon the stage. I looked around in the dining area, bathrooms, the kitchen, and even the office. He wasn't in any of those locations. When I went into the supply closet, he was there, but he looked very bloody. The animatronic sat down on the tiled floor as a pool of blood grew from under him. When I opened Bonnie's mask, there was only a bloody skull with withered, plastic eyes. The skeleton head looked very peculiar.

Its skull shape reminded of the William. Heh, he went here to find something. Wait a minute, was it really him? Nah, it couldn't have been. William wore a different Bonnie suit back at the mall. The mysterious dream I had a few days ago, was it real, I thought in my head. Then I had realized, it was real. At first, I thought the dream was fake so I shoved it off, but I never knew this would happen. The Bonnie suit was very withered and had to be replaced. I smelled the horrible stencj and said, "OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT SMELL?!" It was obvious that it was the suit. I think I almost threw up in the water bucket that was sitting right next to this thing. I carefully grabbed the suit and brought it to the elevator.

When we went down the elevator, I threw the suit onto the floor. I just remembered: I had no animtronic head. I must've forgotten to bring it with me or I left it somewhere in the upper floor. Baby spotted me with her sharpshooter eyes and ran towards me. "Watch out!" She warned me. Luckiily, I dodged her, just as her head hit the side of elevator, causing a huge bump in the elevator. Ballora sprung at me from the ceiling. Her ballerina skirt was spinning so quickly, it almost made me dizzy. I knew I couldn't dodge it, so I just grabbed onto it. As I grabbed on, I was spinning around in 360 degree circles around her. She turned her head to me and opened her eyes. Her eyes, oh Jesus, I can't explain. Her eyes were real human eyes. When I touched her eyes, she closed them shut. "AGH! My finger! You wretch!" Firstly, I tried to forcefully remove my hand from her eye, but it couldn't budge. So, that would only lead me to plan B. I grabbed her arms and tried to rip them apart. Luckily, her arms were easy to remove, so I took them apart. "MALFUNCTION," the robotic voice said. "LEFT AND RIGHT UPPER LIMB REMOVED. SHUTTING DOWN." She shut down and her skirt stopped spinning. I'd ignore Funtime Freddy and Foxy for a
while while I was fighting Baby and Ballora. They whacked my head from behind with Foxy's Hook and the Bon-Bon puppet, knocking me half unconscious. I was now laying down on the floor, looking and staring at the Funtime animatronics, who stared at me back. But behind them both was the withered Spring Bonnie suit, the one I had brought with me from the elevator. It stood behind the broken animatronic and cracked its head apart. I even heard a cracking noise from it, making me cringe a little. He breathed very quietly in the darkness, almost mumblinh. The heads of the animatronics were ripped apart and sparks flew everywhere, leaving only wires and animatronic parts.

The Bonnie suit walked away, limping and leaving blood prints on the floor. He looked back at me with his glaring eyes for the last time, turned his head, and walked into the darkness. I have no idea what I just witnessed, but this thing wanted to help me. I can't say it was William because I know that idiot wouldn't help a damn child get some candy. I continued on my adventure throughout the facility until I found a huge vent door with large wires hanging down at its sides. The vent led me towards the surveillance room in front of the elevator.

I crawled into the vent and went my way to the surveillance room. When I looked at the cameras, I noticed the animatronics were on the stage. "Weird, they were all over the place when I found them." I breathed. Then, suddenly, the lights went out. "Huh? What happened?" A red flashing light sounded in the distance. I followed the red flashing light to what appeared to be an exit. I opened the door and saw a yellow fur suit lying on the floor. It wasn't the same Bonnie suit that was withered, it appeared to be a yellow suit with a black hat and tie. "What is this? A yellow suit? Must be from the restaurant." I said. I felt tempted to touch it, but I urged myself not to touch it because I thought it would kill me. My finger was close to touching the suit, but I resisted to touch it. I ignored the suit for now and tried to find a generator. I found a door saying, "DO NOT OPEN". "Must be the power generator." I thought. So I opened the door, only to find the 'yellow bear' suit, staring at me with its deadly silver eyes. Its mouth was open, only bits of blood dripping down from its jaw. I was so scared, I almost had a heart attack. The suit grabbed me by the arm, walked to the stairway and threw me down the stairs.

I hit the wall so hard I started to bleed. I heard some rustling coming from downstairs, so I looked down only to find Funtime Freddy with his Bonnie puppet walking up the stair to find only me to eat. I ran up the stairs, while the Freddies were trying to get me. While I was going upstairs, I was trapped. Foxy and Baby blocked the upstairs, while Ballora looked like a search helicopter that tried to find me, the criminal. I was blocked from all sides when suddenly some voice heard the rustling.

"Hey, you! Get over here!" The voice said from a distance. The figure looked like a night guard that overlooked the place for about a month or so. He had a pipe in his hand and whacked Baby and Foxy down below. "Cmon! Get up here!" Suddenly, I realized the nightguard was my friend, James. "James! What are you doing here at night?!" I asked him. "No time to explain. Just come with me!" I ran up the stairs with him to find a hidden room where none of the animatronics would find us. "Hey, John, it's you!" He was suddenly so happy to find me. "I persuaded the owners to get the job by bribing them! I came here tonight to protect you!" James said. "But I was the night guard. I had this job!" I exclaimed to him. "They changed your job to a day shift. They said tomorrow was an important event, like a birthday or something. They said someone had to be there to please the children. Hey, I can't tell you this but, they're planning to eliminate you." He said to me urgently. The banging from the door was getting louder as the animatronics were banging the door very hard. "WHAT?! You've got to be kidding me!" I was so surprised at this, I thought I was going to jail." "Someone's put a large amount on your head, the owners agreed with him or her, and they plan to make this "birthday" a lockdown operation. Get ready for-" The vents opened, allowing Funtime Foxy and Ballora to crawl in. "Well better to die now than to be killed by a hunter." Funtime Foxy, Ballora, and the small Minireenas came closer and closer, very slowly. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was six in the morning. The animatronics deactivated themselves. "Well, today's the day. Better get some rest before they kill you. Can't say I'm optimistic, but let's give this a shot," James encouraged. He left me in the narrow room, leaving me with the animatronics. I headed out to get breakfast and went back at 3.

It's about time.

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