Epilogue (False Ending)

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(This also contains spoilers of the game itself. If you do not want to be spoiled, then you are at the end of the book. Thanks for reading! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

I didn't know which way to go because my flashlight was broken. I decided to turn all the way to the left, that's where I had felt something quite off. It felt wooden, almost like a lodge door. The grip was very sturdy but was made of steel. I opened to door, which revealed something I'd never seen before. I saw three screens blank on the desk, along with a yellow bear with a purple top hat with some sort of remote. There was also a fan, which felt very weird to me. There were two doors to my left and right. There was also a very dim light along with a vent.

I sat down on a rolling chair and felt a coolness of wind on my back. There was a monitor that showed about 5 or 6 places. I pressed on one which looked like a hallway of a pizzeria. I pressed on another one, this time it showed a closet. When I pressed the third button, there was this thing.

It looked like a robot with a white face. It had only one, bloody red eye. It also had a hybrid body made out of metallic and steel parts with two crimson buttons. It had a small party hat which was green and yellow. It also had a bright red nose.

"I trusted you. You were our only way out." It said in a soft, girly voice. "Who are you? No, I shouldn't even start with that. What are you?" I yelled an echo bloomed throughout the hallways. I felt a breezy wind as if a tiger had run past me. "Why didn't you follow my directions?" It asked me. I heard crawling through the vents. I pointed my flashlight into the vents, but there was nothing.

"Hello?" I heard a small girl. "Is anyone there? Please help me! I'm trapped and I need to-" Just as she said 'to', I heard a crunching of steel along with what sounded like death beyond. I saw sparks fly from the right hallway. "Hold on, I'm coming!" I ran as fast as I could pass the mossy hallway. "Don't worry, I'm he-" I looked down on the ground to see a body with an open hole, blood pool on the tiled floor. I looked at her face and something snapped into me.

It was her.

The girl that they had been talking about all over the news about a killing of the daughter of William. I looked into her green eyes, nothing but blood. I looked up to only see the thing. "What do you want?" I asked it. "I just want freedom, you are our only way to get out. If you do not cooperate, then I will have to kill you." Its laser red eye caught me. I got up and ran as fast as I could back to the room and made it back. "C'mon John. I know you want to be free." I tried to close the door, but the button wouldn't budge. "C'mon, c'mon! You have to work, god!" It came closer and closer by the minute. "C'mon!" Then I heard something I always wanted to hear.

The clock stroke six.

The lights brightened up and all the lights turned on. I was so glad to finally get out of there. But what I had just seen, was it real? I drove back home to finally relax and get a huge breath of relief. I turned on the TV and continued watching all day long, but the thing came back. It slid past the lamp. It crawled past me and looked at me with one broken blue eye. I felt the coolness of air that I had once felt in the room.

But that was only a dream.
Tomorrow is another day.

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