Chapter Four

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I tried to recollect the words that the Man had just said to me. I couldn't believe it at first but the more I thought about it, the more it just confused me. I jist had more questions to ask him. Where did he even come from? Maybe don't ask conspicuous questions.

"But why would you do that?" I asked. "So that I don't have to see this rotten place anymore, especially my underground facility." "Wait, an underground facility? You mean?" "Yes. It's the one you've seen and been to. I was the one who built it from the ground, well, under." I never knew that he had an underground facility, nor that he murdered the children. "How did you even build an underground facility?" "I guess I have to tell you the truth," he gestured as he turned his head to the new Freddy Fazbear's sign.

"Before the old Freddy Fazbear's Pizza place closed up in the last month, I was interested in making an underground facility similar to one of those underground bunkers. The company had no idea where to put all these props and animatronic parts. So, I had that idea. Then, I bought one of the company's partners, Reedman Robotics, and rebranded it under my nane: Afton Robotics. My company decided to work with Fazbear Entertainment to make new and high-advanced robots for their  first restaurant Fredbear's. They looked to be in shape and were ready to perform. Later on, we sent the robots to the restaurant, and they seemed to work pretty well. Until that day happened." "What day?" I asked. "The Bite of '83. Some bullies got a child and brought him to Fredbear. The animatronic crushed his head with his metallic teeth. Ambulances came, but it was too late. We all knew that he was dead at that point. Later on, those same bullies started throwing kids into the suits, making bets with them, and even daring them to get into the suits. When the company found out about those robots that we made, there was no more space to put them. There was also the Bite of '87, but that's another story which I don't have time for. That's why you saw blood on the floor."

Just hearing his stories made my mind confused. Afton, I've heard that name before. Wait a second. That name. It sounded familiar like I haven't heard it in a long time. It couldn't have been him. Didn't he die back in that mall in Hurricane? Is this man the same man who tried to murder me and my friends? 


It couldn't have been.

It can't possibly be.

"William?! You're dead! Charlie killed you!" I was astonished, confused, and angry.

"You finally recognize me? Hah! I'm surprised you only noticed me now. After two years in hiding from this wretched company, you find me again. Well, there's no time to waste catching up with old acquaintances. Let's get to business."

William wrapped his arm around my chest and covered my mouth as I became unconscious. He dragged me to the back of the building without anybody noticing. 

Soon, I woke up in a dark room sitting in front of what looked like a yellow springlock suit similar to the suit that William had wore back in Hurricane. It also had the same, rotting stench that all animatronics had. I could faintly hear a recording of what sounded like a training tape from the company. As I fully woke myself up, I heard the footsteps coming closer. I knew it was William.

"What do you want with me?" I looked at him with anger.

He ignored me, whistling a tune while following the instructions of the tape. He removed the head of the suit and placed it on my head. I feared that the springlocks would instantly kill me in one breath, but it didn't. I was able to breathe just fine wearing the head. "Don't worry, you won't die. I removed the springlocks but kept the activator. I remember putting this exact head on someone who used to work for me, but I don't remember what happened to him. But you, I need you for this."

I just looked on in anger and confusion. William tried to kill me once and I feared that he would do it this time. How did he even live for all of those years? I saw him die in that stupid Bonnie suit. I tried to talk to him, but I'm guessing that he couldn't understand me because all he heard from me were muffles. He kept shushing me as he continued to work.

"If you want to live, you'd better listen to me. Those animatronics that Henry and I created, they may be possessed, but they're mindless animals. Obviously, they know who's one of them and who's not, but they don't know what a disguise is. Observe."

As soon as William finished talking, he walked into the darkness and activated something. I could hear clanking noises in the darkness moving closer and closer. Soon, a bulk endoskeleton appeared right above me with cold, blue eyes. Its mouth was similar to that of Foxy's, but it looked different. It looked more like a wolf.

"You see? They don't recognize humans disguised as animatronics. They think you're one of them. They think that you're an animatronic. You see, when I killed those kids, I didn't expect them to be so ignorant. They trust too much in each other that they don't know who's one of them or who's one of us. This is exactly what you need to do: keep yourself disguised from them and you won't die." He deactivated the wolf animatronic and removed the mask. He turned back to his work.

"First, you wanted to kill me. Now, you want them to kill me? Are you that much of a madman? Why are you even doing this anyway?"

He turned back to me and leaned in, lifting my head with his finger.

"Because I want to free them."

William grabbed a pipe laying on his workdesk and whacked me across my face with it. Soon, I was knocked out for quite a while. About what I felt was a few minutes later, I woke up by the entrance of the building. Before I could open my eyes, I could hear a car exiting the parking lot. All of the police cars and ambulances were gone by now and the building remained untouched. I woke up, noticing a bandage on the left side of my face. Then, I walked to my car and drove home.

I can't say that this day was the same day that it usually is. Besides all that, I went home, fearing what will come. I went straight to sleep hoping to forget that this day ever happened, but I couldn't.

The dreams kept coming.

It was dark, only seeing two pairs of yellow eyes, followed by a spotlight. Its hand looked to be as a yellow plushie. "Do not worry," the figure called out to me. "We will put you back together." He closed his yellow eyes. Spotlights struck on, showing Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy deactivated. As they were standing there, they withered apart in only endoskeleton pieces. The spotlights dimmed and it only showed the hand. As the hand went back into the darkness, the figure walked into the light. It revealed what appeared to be Fredbear, but darker. His hat was a yellow top hat, with his tie also being yellow. His eyes were flaming red, his teeth harder than a stone, his fingers sharper than a sword. "We will protect you, John." Dark Fredbear promised to me. Then, he lunged like a tiger and came this close to eating me. I woke up at the last second, waking to my alarm clock. 

Yesterday was not like any other day. I can't say that I met an old friend. The past comes back to haunt you one way or another. It always will.

Looks like I'll have to play his little game.

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