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I had felt differently than before, like almost weaker. I felt a little bit tired, but I decided to go to work. I put on the same button-top and the tie I wore yesterday. "Alright, sweetie. Uncle Henry will be back again. Be safe, ok?" "Alright, daddy!" She gave a huge smile. I walked out of the house, breathing nice and fresh air. I waved to everyone, but there were less people than before.

I walked to work and said, "Hey everyone, let's get to work!" Everyone continued working, but their looks said that they felt uncertain about me. I walked over to Max, which had developed something new. "What have you made for me today?" I asked him.

He showed me a drawing of what looked like to be a ballerina. "Hm, I see. What's it called?" I asked him. "Uh, it's called Ballora. You alright." He looked at me in confusion. "Yeah, I'm ok. What does it do?" "Same thing like Baby, but it doesn't make ice cream and spins around instead." I examined the drawing. "How fast does it go, hm?" "It goes at normal speed, but it goes into defensive protocol mode just in case of emergencies." He kept looking at me in confusion. "Anything else besides this ballerina?" I looked back at him. "Yeah, look at these guys. These things are the mommy's babies. I call them Minireenas. They also spin like Ballora." I looked and examined the other drawings. He looked at me, worried. "Is there anything wrong?" "No, no. It's just that, have you been taking any medicine lately? Your skin is getting rotten." "Are you saying I should go to a doctor, Mark?" I asked him, stern. "Uh..." "ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME?!" "No! It's just that your skin, it's-" "Get out." I commanded him, pointing to the entrance. "But-" "I SAID TO GET OUT." I screamed at him.

"Fine." He walked over to his office, got his stuff, and walked out. He slammed the door. Everyone looked at me. "What are you doing? Get back to work this instance!" They all went back to focussing on what they were doing.

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