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I looked at my veins on my arm, which had turned really purple. I screamed in agony as it pained really badly. "Argh!" I cried out in my bedroom. My daughter heard my scream, walked over to the door, and opened it a little bit. "What have I done?! Stay calm! They tell me to stay CALM!" I punched the wall that it made a hole. I grabbed my button-top and made some rips in it. "Sweetie, go to your room and stay there," I commanded her. I marched across to the door, grabbing my suitcase. "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" I would scream out. She started to cry and ran back to her room.

I slammed the door behind me and looked around. Everyone hid from me because I looked this hideous. These people don't know what good I did for them. I walked very slowly not only because of fatigue, but I felt like my bowels were about to burst. Then suddenly, I had felt something about to come out. I threw up robot parts and robot eyes that landed in the sewer. Then suddenly, I had a seizure. Everyone gasped and called for help. They looked down upon my body. They started to mumble and call 911. After that, my body became unconscious and all I saw was nothing but darkness.

Then, I heard the smallest, faintest voice, almost resembling my daughter. "You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead. You're not dead." It would continue to say. Then, I was brought to a hospital.

After a couple hours, I woke up in my bed. "Ugh! Where am I?" I looked around in confusion. "Don't worry, Dad." My son, Mike said. "You're alright now." "Get away from me, you stranger!" I got off the bed and ran out of the house. I screamed in agony and pain, as every step would only lead closer to death. I fell to the ground on my knees in the middle of the forest. It started raining on the earth very hard. Lightning stroke, and thunder blasted, and a tornado started to peak from the sky. "I HATE YOU!!!" I would screamed before eventually resting.

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