Chapter 6

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Regina's POV

It was my job as Mayor to make sure new residents where welcomed to the town. It was also my duty as Emma's friend to make sure her daughter is safe. I knocked on their bus and Killian answered.

"Regina Mills its been a long time." He says to me.

"Yes it has Jones. Have are you?" I ask him

"Im good and yourself?" He asks.

"Great. Look as Mayor I have to welcome new comers to my town. As an old friend I have came here to say hello. But as one of Emma's closest friends I need to make sure that Leia is safe and in a friendly environment." I tell him.

"Well Mayor Mills thank you for the welcome. As an old friend its really nice to see you. As for being Leia's father I can grantee that she is safe here. Whenever she is here." He says.

"Well may I come on your bus to see just how safe this place is?" I ask.

"Yes you may madam mayor." He says.

I walked onto the bus expecting a giant boy mess, but it was clean very clean.

"Regina?" A voice questions.

The person stepped out of the shadows its was Robin Locksly an old flame I once had.

"Robin. Hey." I say to him.

"You look wonderful." He say to me.

"You dont look to bad yourself. How is everything?" I ask.

"Good very good. Did Killian tell you what we are planning?" He asks me.

"Not what are you all up to?" I ask.

"We are looking for a place to fit all of us and have a spare place for Leia. We all think a house would make Emma feel better when Leia comes to see Killian." Robin tells me.

"Well thats actually a good idea." I tell them.

I walked back to the town hall. It was time for work.

Emma's POV

I walked into the station where Graham was waiting.

"You wont believe what I saw." He tells me.

"What?" I ask.

"I saw certain people looking at houses. I even heard Rumple and Hades talking about it in Granny's." He tells me.

"So they are staying." I say to him.

"Emma, are you okay?" He asks.

"Not really but I will be." I say to him.

I sat down trying to process all of this. I cant stand that Killian will a be here and I know its to bug me.

Leia's POV

I walked home alone after a typical day at school. When I got home I saw the whole band of Sinking Ships next door at the house that has been for sale for years.

"Leia!" Neal yells when he sees me

"Hey. What are you all doing?" I ask him.

"Well we have been looking all day at houses and I think we found it." He tells me.

"The others inside looking around?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I think we might get it." He says.

"Neal Cassidy." Graham says walking up.

"Graham hello." Neal says to him.

"What are you doing?" Graham asks him.

"Just talking to my pal Leia." Neal says to him.

"Well dont." Graham says.

"Your not the boss of me." Neal says.

"Hey whats going on?" Rumple asks walking up with everyone else.

"Sheriff boy is telling me I cant talk to Leia." Neal tells them.

"Why cant he talk to Leia?" Hades asks.

"Because Im sure Leia doesnt mind." David says.

"Graham, Neal is allowed to talk to Leia as are the rest of us." Liam says.

"Shut your mouth." Graham says to him.

"Woah dude Liam was just saying that we are Leia's fathers friends we can speak to Leia." Robin says.

"I dont care who you all are. You leave this girl alone especially the Jones' brothers." Graham says.

"Hey Graham, Leia is right here. Dont start something." My dad tells him.

"Leia, you go inside."Graham says to me.

"No. I dont have to your not the boss of me." I say to him.

"Dont give me attitude. Now get inside." He says.

"No, I dont have to listen to you." I tell him.

"Leia, will you please go inside?" My dad asks me.

"Okay." I say and go inside my house.

Killian's POV

"Dont ever tell my daughter what to do again." I tell him.

"She isnt your daughter!" Graham yells at me.

"Look I get that I was never around when she was growing up, but Im here now. Alittle piece of advice Leia respect everyone except you. All these guys, all of mother's friends, anyone really. Just some reason Leia doesnt respect you. Now its not the fact that your with her mother. I think its that fact your trying to play a role in her life that isnt yours." I say to him.

"Now if you will excuse us. We have a house to purchase." Liam says to Graham.

Emma's POV

I found Graham on my porch looking quite upset.

"Your daughter hates me and Killian along with his band will be living next door." He tells me.

"Okay, Leia doesnt hate you. As for Killian he is just a totally ass." I tell him.

"Emma, your daughter said she doesnt have to listen to me. But when Killian told her to do what I asked her to do she listened to him." He tells me.

"Okay I will go talk to Leia. I will see you later." I say and kiss his cheek.

I walked inside and Leia was on the couch with my mom.

"Emma dear how was work?" My mom asks.

"Just fine but I need to talk to my daughter." I tell her.

"Of course." She says and gets up.

"We need to talk about how you treated Graham today." I tell Leia.

"What are you talking about?" She asks.

"Dont give me that Leia. You were rude to Graham and not listening to him. Then you listen to Killian. ." I say to her.

"Mom, Graham told me to go inside and my father asked me nicely. Look before you say anything I dont care that you and Graham are together I dont care about that. I just dont want him to tell me what I have to do in a demanding way." She tells me.

"Leia, Graham probably didnt mean too. Why did Graham tell you to go inside?" I ask her.

"He was telling Sinking Ships that they wernt allowed to talk to me especially the Jones brothers. When my dad pointed it out that I was there Graham demanded I go inside." She tells me.

"Well next time just dont be rude about it." I tell her.

"I will, but he cant tell me I cant talk to Sinking Ships." She says.

"I agree with you. You dont have to stop talking to them. I will speak to Graham." I tell her.

"Well Im going to bed." Leia says and goes upstairs.

Why was Graham acting this way? Thats not like him. What had happened to the sweet Graham I know?

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