Chapter 36

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Leia's POV

"Dad! Anything?" I ask him.

"No not yet love, but we will find your mother." He tells me.

"Its been two days dad she hasnt been home Im worried." I tell him.

Just the Graham rushed right into my dad's place and he seemed pissed.

"Where is she Jones?" Graham asks.

"Last we heard she was with you." My dad says.

"Your blaming me." Graham says getting into my dad's face.

"Yes Im blaming you." My dad says getting in Graham face.

I get between them and pushed them apart.

"Stop it! This fighting wont get my mom home." I say.

"Look Emma is missing and you two have her child here to take care of. Now work together and find Emma." Liam says.

"He is right." My dad says.

"Whatever." Graham says.

Over the next few days the house became a place that was a look out to find my mom it was crazy crowded. My mom was still missing and that killed me. I went for a walk and pulled out my phone and looked at old photos of my mom and me. Then remembered something.

"Guys hey." I say running in.

"Not now Leia." My dad says.

"No just listen I..." I say but stop.

"Leia please just go." My dad says.

"But dad please.." I say.

"Leia now! Go to school. Im busy right now." He says.

He didnt even realize it was the weekend. I knew what I had to do. I reached into Regina's pocket and stole her car keys. I rushed out. If they wernt going to help me then fine. I'll get her myself.

"Leia what are you up to?" Mary-Margaret asks me.

"Nothing." I say.

"Yeah I dont believe that. Now whats the big problem?" She asks.

"I know where my mom is but no one wants to hear it. Im going for her." I say.

"How do you know?" She asks.

"I tracked her phone." I say.

"Why didnt they think of that?" She asks.

"I dont know, but Im going for her." I say.

"I'll come too." She says.

We left Regina's keys outside and got into her car. We found my mom finally and she was happy to see us.

"What happened? Why where you gone so long?" I ask her.

"My car I let Albert Spencer give me a ride and in the middle of nowhere near no highway he threw me out and said something." She tells us.

"Said what?" I ask.

"He said he is coming for you." She says.

My heart started racing and I felt sick and scared. This battle wasnt over and I dont think I will not win this fight at all. This is a battle that I wont win.

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