Chapter 50

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Emma's POV

I woke up in Killian's arm with him looking down at me.

"Morning beautiful." He says.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask.

"Awhile. I just like watching you sleep." He says.

"Creeper alert." I joke.

"I love you. Now since your awake. Lets go. We have a few days in the wood and then we go home." He says.

"Yeah. Yeah." I say.

"Hurry up." He says.

We have a few hours drive to the campsite and Leia was texting me so I called her.

"Hey be quiet Im calling Leia." I tell Killian.

"Okay put it on speaker." He say.

Phone Call.

Emma: Hey whats with all the message?

Leia: Well I wanted to tell you all about my bad day.

Emma: Okay sweetie talk.

Leia: Well today was the last day school and we are out for the Winter Break, but things are bad.

Emma: Leia you over exaggerate alot Im sure its not that bad.

Leia: I have to do this stupid Senior thing.

Emma: You mean the Senior Spring talent show for the whole town. Why is that bad?

Leia: Because Im stuck with people I dont like.

Emma: Leia it wont be that bad. Your suppose to have fun alright. Look I gotta go okay.

Leia: Okay mom I love you.

Emma: I love you too.

End Phone Call.

"What is the Senior Spring talent show?" Killian asks.

"Right you wernt there when Mary-Margaret started it. All seniors have to do it. Old graduates from like a year or two before pick their group that that either perform with or coach to win. Then the whole town gets together and watches it a votes for the winner to preform their talent at the senior prom." I tell him.

"That sounds fun. Why did Mary-Margaret come up with it?" He asks.

"I'll tell you later." I say.

Once we made it to the campsite Killian kept asking me to tell him how she came up with it so I told him.

Flashback Leia age 2.

"Emma! Emma!" Mary-Margaret yells running in with Leia.

"Hey dont run and yell with my daughter in your arms." I tell her.

"Right anyway. I picked Leia up and saw this daycare talent show. I wish we could do one, but not a school one just Seniors an whoever wins plays at prom. I talked to the school already and asked they are fine with it." She says.

"Thats why you took so long." I say.

"Oh yeah also people who graduated like 2 or a year ago can help or perform." She says.

Then she ran out.

End Flashback.

Durning the story Killian had pulled me on to his lap.

"That was some story. Did you guys win?" He asks.

"No we lost, but we had fun." I say.

"How about we end the night in the tent?" Killian asks with a smirk.

He stood up with me in his arms and took me into our tent for a fun night.

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