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i was running, I'm not sure where but i felt like i knew. i was running through the forest taking left and rights heading somewhere, somewhere ...... where?! i thought hard but i couldn't concentrate.

i heard a howl in the distance and started to sprint towards the sound.

i finally got to my destination..which was a clearing the meadow was filled with yellow daises.

i sat down waiting for something to happen.

i heard someone walking towards me and looked back.

it was a wolf, not like Derek or Scott, it was a full on wolf, no resemblance to a human, i should've been scared, i should've screamed at the top of my lungs for Derek who would be here in seconds if he knew where i was, but i didn't. i actually walked towards the wolf. and slowly it started to shift, slowly but surely into a human. he looked up at me and smiled , Peter?! the werewolf who tortured me!

i took 2steps back, even though he just took 2 steps forward and then a couple more to close the little gap we had before in between us.

he ran the back side of his hand against my check

" hello Candice, what a coincidence meeting you here" he gave me a sickly sweet smile

" how did you do it?" i asked not shaking with fear like the first time i spoke with him.

"well you see, i didn't bite you to turn you that night, not yet any way," he paused to smile,"i did it because now i have complete control over you, untill i bite you deep enough to change you."

he finished

" sounds like your a bit of a control freak." i smiled back at him

" let me show you a bit of a preview of what I'm able to do."

he glared at me , his eyes turning bright red and i suddenly felt a mass of pain in my shoulder, i stood their paralyzed by the pain, and let out a whimper...then it just stopped, at least the pain stopped. i started to walk backwards, in another situation i would love to be walking away from Peter, but not went i didn't have a choice. then after i got a good 10ft away i sprinted back towards him. What in hell?! i thought to myself

"as i said before, i have complete control over you." Peter smiled at me and then disappeared. since i don't know how i got here because it was all a haze.i started to walk around yelling Scott, Derek and stiles hoping one of them would hear me.

Derek's pov:

We have been searching for about an hour in hopes of finding Candice. Scott was looking for her in town and me and stiles were looking for her in the woods.

" Derek?" stiles asked


"What's wrong with Candice ? if she's not turning then why we're her eyes glowing green?! It looked like she shoved a pack of neon glow sticks into her eyes!" stiles responded, the last part sarcastically

"I don't -" I was cut of by stiles


" Stiles! I don't know! I've never even seen green eyes for a werewolf before!"i yelled at stiles

"lets just focus on finding her and then we'll figure out what's happening to her. okay?"i told stiles and he nodded.

We kept walking and we got pretty deep into the woods when I heard a familiar voice yell ." Derek?! stiles!? Scott?! "

Candice!! I started to run in the direction I heard her.stiles following me. "Candice !" I yelled hoping she would hear me

I saw her walking around looking really confused like she didn't know where she was, once she saw me her face lit up and started to run towards me, but her foot got caught under neath a root and went flying. I ran towards her an caught her in my arms with ease. she hugged me tightly like she never wanted me to leave her ever. And surprisingly enough I felt the same.

Candice's pov ;

As soon as I saw Derek and stiles I ran towards them. I was worried what Peter would do to me with his new powers over me, but as soon as I saw Derek and stile..mostly Derek my worries melted away. I was about 8ft away from them when I tripped and went flying , I braces my self for the impact of my face and the the ground but it never came. instead I felt strong arms pull me up. Derek's arms. I looked into his amazing light green eyes and bear hugged him. God! he was sexy but that's not why I hugged him , I had a feeling he would help me survive this ordeal of whatever was soon to come.


" So your saying he can what!?" stiles asked me, not sure if he heard me right.

" I said that he can control me until I actually turn. he can control my body and make me feel pain. I'm not sure if he can do anything else. those are just what he demonstrated." I said to everyone again, trying to get them to believe me. so far I think I had Derek and maybe Scott convinced but definitely not stiles.

" So your saying that he can basically go into your body and control your movements." stiles said not taking this seriously

" Basically yes! I don't think he can make me say anything but he can inflict pain pretty good" I said, getting a little frustrated at stiles.

" That's just..." stiles began

" That's just what stiles? unreal? Cause if Scott I were to get Scott a little too angry he would rip me to shreds."I exclaimed

"But-"stiles began

" Would you like me to invite Peter over for him to show you a demonstration?!!" I said covered in sarcasm , now I was pissed

"Candice?.." Scott began

" What!?!" I screamed at him, really worked up now

I felt Derek's hand on my shoulder , I spun around and shoved him back. to my surprise he flew a good 10ft.

That's when I snapped out of the trance. Derek! I hurt him... I felt terrible , all he has done to me was to help , and I just threw him across the room!

I rushed over to him, getting on top and cupping his face in both of my hands, he was in unconscious , I slapped his cheek lightly, hoping he would get up. I saw a tear fall under his eyes, my tear. I wiped my eyes and then started to wipe the tear off of his face, which was warm, and I got butterflies in my stomach just by touching him, but he grabbed my wrist and fluttered his eyes open.

"Derek! oh my God! I'm so so sorry u didn't... I didn't mean- I -I don't know w-what h-happ-e-ned! " I stuttered

Derek whispered," it's okay , I believe you, don't worry we'll figure it out..together" he pulled me to him and hugged me furiosly.

We layed there for a couple minutes in silence when stiles cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable. I got up and helped Derek up too.

" Okay, we'll before that truly touching scene between Derek and Candice, will some one pleaseee tell me what in hell happened cause Candice , who is a human by the way just threw sour wolf across the room SOOO !?" stiles said clearly dumb struck.

"Guys what happened? I just know I pushed Derek." I said to them

" Your eyes Candice, they were glowing neon green" Scott said quietly

Huh? what are they talking about? I asked myself

"Tomorrow we will go see dr.deaton and see what he knows about this." Derek said, giving me a little bit of reinsurance.

" But for now let's go back to my place since your mom doesn't except you to be back till tomorrow night." Derek said leading me to his car.

My heart hitched when I felt his hand on my back. hopefully I can contain myself with him for another night. a part of me hopes I can't.



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