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Derek walked me up to my room, and leaned against the frame of the door. staring at me like a puzzle yet to be put togather.

"What?"I asked while grabbing my pjs and towel then walking towards him

"Your a Curios one Candice." he said , staring into my light green eyes as I was to him.

I swear my heart started to beat a little faster , he probably heard it too because he smirked at me.

I felt my face doing the 50 shades of red, but I got it under control, I refuse to get flustered when I'm around derek, or any guy... that's not me , I'm more of the....flirty type. might as well put on a show for him. as the words of van zant: if your gonna go ,go all the way!" and thats exactly what I plan to do!

I brushed my finger tip against his tight fitting black tshirt, that outlined his ripped as **** abs. he looked at me with hunger in his eyes , perfect !

What good is the kill if the chase isn't fun!? I thought to myself

I turned around and walked a little bit away more towards the bed , and took off my shirt with only a bra underneath.

" Oh oops, your still here?" I smiled then walked back towards him and made sure our bodies pressed together when I brushed past him. I tugged his belt , then opened the door to the bathroom. I heard him growl ether out of frustration or wanting..I'm good with etheir.

I walked out of the bathroom in purple boxers and an oversize tshirt.

I walked into my room setting my clothes on my suitcase. I did my daily bathroom routine. I stepped out preparing to climb into my bed when I was slammed against the wall. I was about to yell for Derek and kick and scream when some body's lips clashed violently against mine, Derek's! he slammed me against the wall ! and started to kiss my neck, i couldn't wait any longer i took his shirt off an then flipped him so he was against the wall. he moved back to my lips and asked for entrance with his tongue. i could tell he wanted to so i denied, he has to fight for it. he growled , his hand slipped under my shirt and moan escaped my lips. i ran my finger along his abs, he bit my lower lip and when my mouth went wide with pleasure he slipped his tongue inside. we battled for dominance, he won of course. we were on the bed now, and we heard a light knock on the door. are you fucking kidding me?! like seriously??

"seriously?" i mumbled under my breath, he must of heard it because he chuckled and kissed me a couple more times until someone knocked again, this time he did growl.

he slipped his shirt back on an went to see who the little shit disturber was, i followed suit.

He opened the door to find peter....wait what?!

Derek lunged at his throat but peter just side stepped.

"Tsk tsk derek , that's no way to treat family is it?" peter said completely calm

Derek growled, and said," you quite being family when you decided to Kill my sister!" and derek again lunged at peter.

" It was a necessary act!" peter said

" Why are you here!" derek yelled at him coming back to me and stood next to me protectively

" We'll to talk to Candice of course!" he said smiling as Derek glared at him," and to give you information" peter finished

" What are you talking about you psycho!?" Derek yelled

" I'll lead you to the information you are looking for about Candice and why she is the way she is."

Derek was silent for a minute, then spoke ," what's in it for you?"

" You'll find that out later, but for now Candice is what some call a wolf warrior, in some places like Hungarian it is translated as wolf harcos, in Latin it's lupus bellator, in most places like these a wolf warrior doesn't mean anything, but in places like Ireland and Sweden it does have meaning, in Gaelic (the Irish language) it translates into Mac tíre laoch. In Swedish it's translates to wolf krigare. these two places both have different beliefs of a wolf warrior, but I think Candice is one of them, you just have to find out which." Peter said then turned around and walked away into the shadows of the night.

" That was interesting," I said, wondering what it meant to be a 'wolf warrior' even if peter was actually telling us the truth.

" Yes, yes it was. let's go to bed, I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long one."


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