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I stare at this man, not bad looking, a little pale but whatever. He has this look... I feel like I recognize him from somewhere, but I cant place it.

"And who are you?" He flashes me a grin, taking my hand in his own. I rip my hand away from him,

"Unfourtunetly, someone who needs your help...So help." I demand, not flinching as he gets closer to me, not more then 1 inch.

"What is this?" He questions, reaching for my face. I step back from him, he stares at me courisly.

"What are you?"

"A Werewolf." I Tell him, he just rolls his eyes at me,

"Well obviously, what else?"

"How do you?-" I start to question him, can he smell something different on me.

"You speak latin, correct?" Peter interrupts, and then continues once Klaus nods his head,

"She's a Lupus Fortis." Klaus snaps his head back at me,

"And an Apex Alpha." Peter adds (if you don't remember its in chapter like 24 or 25, right after she was mentally 'bitten' by Peter)

"Not possible, I believe to be the only apex Alpha out there."

"Wait, your a werewolf?" I turn back around to Stella,
"How will a werewolf help me, I thought he was a witch." I demand, getting one of Klaus's eye brows to raise. Peter ignores my comment

"On the countrary, her dad must have been, I checked out her mom, she smells human."

"And where is your dad sweatheart?" He looks back at me again.

"That's why I'm here, I'm trying to find him and my brother. They dissapeared when I was a kid so I dont really know how to deal with all this." I wave my hands around my tattoos.

"His name?"

"Oliver Hemmings." His eyebrows squish together,

"I've heard of the name, but I dont believe he ever had a daughter."

"What are you talking about? He had two kids, one boy and one girl, I'm the girl!" Anger runs through me, who does this guy think he is telling me I'm not my dad's kid, and how is he even suppose to help us!? I just got my hopes up back again and he crushed it with not being a witch.

"Candice, calm down, no need to get angry it's just a few questions." Peter says, my eyes are probably going green again.

"Your a curious one." Klaus says, funny, that's exactly what Derek said to me once.

"Answer my earlier question, how are you suppose to help?" He rolls his eyes before countinuing,

"Well if you must know, I am a hybrid-"

"So, Stella is too and she cant help." He gives me a cocky smirk,

"If you would let me finish firecracker," I glare at him for the nickname,

"I am the first vampire, also one of the earliest werewolves, and the first hybrid ever." My expression doesnt change,

"Joy to the world?" I say, not understanding why any of that matters,

"That means I'm an apex alpha, and apex alpha's can always locate their own, so if your dad really was one then I can find him." My eyes light up,

"Well, do it!" I smile for the first time today.

"Calm yourself, first I need something he mightve touched or-" I fumnble around in my pocket, retreaving the letter.

"Here, he wrote this." He grabs it and looks down at it.


"Caesar, inquiunt, a apex, ostende mihi viam tuam," He chants while picking up a match, lighting it and burning the letter. He shuts his eyes, the lights start to flicker again and in all but a moment, it's done.

"Good news, he was an Apex Alpha, Bad news, he's dead." Klaus says bluntly. What? No, that cant be right! I snap my head to Peter who gives me a sad expression.

"But it doesn't matter much, if I'm correct." I look back over to him,

"Correct about what?" I demand.

"Hold still, I have a theory." He walks closer to me and touches my face. I feel a rush of energy course through my veins, his eyes glow a brilliant gold. I look down to see my tattoos on my arms moving.

"The Shining of Kin." Peter mutters. Klaus smiles and steps back,

"What does that mean?!" I look back and forth between the two of them so much I'm bound to get whip lash.

"It means Candice, That your real last name is Mikaelson." I stare up at him in confusion,

"Your my daughter."






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