Chapter40 - A Cry for Candice

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Derek Pov:

Candice. Once she falls, all hell breaks loose, at least in my mind. I lunge to the edge, but something holds me back. Not mentally, I would leap off the highest building for that girl, no someone is holding me back. I try to rip them off but they won't have it. I swat at there hands and fling them away from me. Only to have stronger ones replace them. I try all the same tactics in getting them away from me so I could be with her, but nothing worked.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I cry out, yanking again.

"GET OFF!" I can hear someone calling out my name but it doesn't completely register.

"LET GO DAMMIT!" Time to beg.

"LET GO, PLEASE!...Just let go." By the end of the scream my reputation has undoubtedly been shot to pieces. But Candice wouldn't care, so I don't. I turn into their shoulder, gripping onto the shirt of their collar, and I cry. Someone holds onto my shaking body, running their hand up and down my back. I know I should get up, start pounding my flesh into the wall, get mad, get angry, because that's what I do. But... she's gone. and even if there was a chance she would come back like all the times before. It doesn't matter. The alpha pack is gone, no doubt to go and fetch their leader, taking ours along with them. They will kill her.

But she could come back A little voice says in my head.

Then they'll kill her again

And she will come back


And again

And again

Endless torture Derek, do you want that for her? Then go get her.

I stop crying, the voice is right, we need to make a plan. Any plan. I start to get up but another hand stops me.

"Stop, let me help." Scott's voice tells me and I obey, letting his arm hook around my waist. Isaac walks around the other side to help. Why can't I walk? I'm fine.

I try to test my theory but end up crashing to the floor. What the hell? One of the two hoist me back up.

"Stop that, your hurt. Kali slashed your stomach wide open. We need to get you to the loft." I simply nod, feeling weaker then my normal brute self. I glance up, each member looks torn between confusion, sadness, and shock. In which order, I do not know. But sadness reflects in my eyes even more so, along with a hint of the past. One of my loves had already died, let's hope not another. My mind automatically wanders to the first time I met Candice.

She was walking on the edge of the forest floor, balancing on the street's curb. With music in her ears, singing some country song involving beer, I wasn't really pay attention to the music. I was, however, paying attention to her eyes, and her hair, and her face and of course her body. Beautiful, didn't do her justice. But it hadn't mattered at that moment, she was a potential threat, and I would kill her if proven so, despite that her lips looked so soft. Once I finally rushed at her and basically attacked her, she flirted with me, her humor one more thing that added to her looks. And I would have kissed her teasing lips if Stiles hadn't interrupted it, but it gave me a reason to come back.

Then she was taken before I had a chance to make her mine, I remember how helpless I felt. Peter had taken her, that is one more thing I will never forgive him for. But she had, I don't know how, or what convinced her to actually let by gones be by gones. But she had, and now they treat each other like family.

"Derek-" My thoughts snap out of my day dream and I realize we're already at the car, Scott speaks up again. "We need a bit of our help to get you in, we're putting you in the back but-"

"I got it Scott." I let out a huff of laughter, all he needed to say was that he needed me to actually move. He looks a bit surprised at my response. What does he expect me to do? Growl? I Carefully maneuver my self so Isaac gets in first, and then me across his lap and Scott Driving. Good thing we took two cars or people would be double bucking like crazy.

No pain has come yet, I expect its because of unknowing shock.

"She's alive." I tell them, look up at a worried Isaac.

"We know. We hadn't understood why you went crazy." Scott replied from the front.

"She's going to be tortured." I dead pan, no point in sugar coating it. As realization dawns on them the car ride goes back to silence, but I do notice the increase of Scott's speed. A small smile plays on my lips.

I love my pack. No matter what others think, especially Ducualian.


I know, gushy Derek, but knowing the Love of his life going to be tortured, may do that to someone:) And who cares, Derek is loving, he just doesn't show it. And I always love Scott+Derek Feel good scenes so^ there ya go!




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