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Peter and I sit in the air port, waiting for the 1st and 2nd class to board, and then maybe see if we can get the last two seats. Peter leans over to me and pulls out one of my earphones,

"Do you wanna talk about it?-"

"No!" I snap, yanking my earphone out of his hands and sliding it back into place. Out of the corner of my eyes I see him whistle low with wide eyes, the corners of my mouth tug into a smile. Stupid Peter, making me smile when I'm highly pissed off. The speakers drown out my music-

"Is there a Candice here? Boarding flight 2586?" I glance at Peter, who gives me a shrug in return. Thanks for the help buddy. I get up and walk cautiously towards the receptions desk. What do they want?

"Yes? I'm Candice." I eye her warily. If she starts to grow fangs and tries to kill me, I wouldn't really be surprised.

"Well there's two things, your tickets have been bumped up to first class, but we seem to be having a slight mix up with your last name." I scrunch up my eye brows, what the hell is she talking about? I stare at her to continue.

"Well when you booked the round trip, your last name was Hemmings, but now," She glances at her computer screen,"It is currently under Mikaelson. Is that correct?" She asks as she hands me the two tickets, I grab them, not thanking her. She's not the one who got them for me, nope, it was my 'Father' what a joke.

"Sure." I walk back to Peter, not waiting to see if she has any more questions.

"What was that about?" He asks as I take my seat back next to him, I hold up the two tickets,

"My new Daddy thinks I can be bought." My sarcasm levels rocket as I think about the British, asshole werewolf.

"Sweet!" Peter rips one out of my hand, I let out a huff of laughter, I swear, sometimes he's like a child.

"First Class, chairs 1-25 please make your way over to the entrance." The speaker vibrates through the room, I look down at our tickets- 1 & 2. Of course. Peter gives me a grin and hauls his bag onto his shoulders before taking off to claim his seat.


"What was the point to even getting us these seats? And did you know he changed all my accounts to Candice Mikaelson?" I look over to Peter, we've been in the air for about 3 hours and he has taken the courtesy of ordering 3 drinks all ready, all which consists of alcohol.

"I don't know, maybe he's making up for lost time?" I snort at his comment,

"He asked for my blood!" I yell a little too loud, getting a few passengers to glance over at us, I give them a sneer. Mind your own business people.

"It was just a small favor." He calmly says back,

"A small favor? Who ask's for quarts of other peoples blood?! I'll tell you who, Psychopaths- thats who, my dad is fricken Norman Bates!" I whisper harshly, Peter gives me a small laugh. This is so not a laughing matter!

"Can't you just reminisce in the fact that we are flying first class?" Peter asks hopefully.

"Not when someone wants my bloo-"

"Hello, just a reminder that we will shortly be stopping in Dallas, Texas for the few of you who are getting off, and a refill of fuel and then off to California! Please buckle up!" The stewardess cheers fake happiness through the speakers.

"Candice, I'm sure he's not going to sneak attack you to get it, he already asked once, he will just ask again, when he thinks you're ready."

"When would I be ready to let someone walk off with my blood?" I roll my eyes at Peter.

"It's not like he's draining you dry, just taking some, you'll eat a few cookies to get your sugar back up and you'll be up and running in a few minutes. What's the big deal?" He asks as the plane jerks around from touching down on the gravel.

"The problem is I barely know this guy and he offered to buy me dinner-"

"That is usually how you get to know people, talking." I glare at Peter, people start to grab suitcases and walk off, in a few seconds, the hall ways are clear once again, and an attendance lady comes up and hands me a gold plastic card. A credit card?

"Miss. Mikaelson, I was told to bring this to you." My eye brows raise.

"Actually could you tell me how much is on this?" I ask, she nods her head and comes back, surprise clearly plastered across her face.

"Did you win the lottery Miss?" I scrunch up my eyebrows,

"What do you mean?" She hands me back my card,

"This has a few billions on it." My eyes get wide, billions? As in B?

"Uh, yep." She smiles before her pilot calls her over again, she returns quickly with a letter,

"This also came for you." She hands me the piece of paper before going to the back. I stare at it,


ι aѕѕυмe yoυ enjoy тнe gιғтѕ, ι нope yoυ reconιѕnder. yoυ can reacн мe вy нowlιng.


"He sent it to me." I look back to see an eye rolling Peter,

"Of course he did idiot, who did you think it was going to be? Santa Clause? By the way, he has very nice handwriting." Peter looks down at the paper, I roll my eyes.

"Nananana. And I swear, you have a man crush on him." I stick my tongue out at him, when the lady asks what I want to drink, I order the most expensive thing on the list. This might not be so bad.


The car stops in front of Derek's loft, can't you just feel my joy? He's probably going to leave me, yell and scream. But I had no choice, I needed to find out, and I did. It just wasn't the outcome I was expecting.

Peter gives me an encouraging smile as we reach the door. I slowly turn the knob, not knowing what stands on the next side.


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