Chapter Two

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C H A P T E R    T W O


Adrien's POV

I had to go to my place and get more cheese for Plagg. Then my dad unexpectedly came in. He started talking about modeling business and stuff I don't care about.

When he left it was already late but it was worth a try to go. I turned back to Chat and went out through the window. I ran in the shadows when I heard someone running.

I started walking curious who was running at this time at night. I heard a girl scream and I ran to the noise. I was fast enough and caught the girl. In the light, I saw it was Marinette. "Hey princess," I said.

"H-hey C-Chat," Marinette said. I could tell by her voice that she was sad. "Are you okay princess?" I asked. She was quiet. I smiled and picked her up, "Come on princess let's go." I got my stick and went on top a building. "Chat...please put me down." She said. "Make me princess." I chuckled.

Marinette's POV

"Then my crush practically broke my heart. He doesn't even know it." I said. Chat he took me to the Eiffel Tower to talk and surprisingly it helped. "I...I think you're amazing." Chat said. He put his hands around my waist.

I flinched but I didn't mind this time. I blushed, "So tell me about you." I said trying to get away from my problem. He chuckled "First I'm loving your outfit. You could say it's purrfect." I groaned "Dumb cat." I muttered.

Something about Chat this time was different. Usually, I can't have a real conversation with him because I'm focused on fighting the akuma. This time he seemed a little bit more caring than usual. He still is a flirt though.

"You know you remind me of someone." Chat said. I smiled when I checked the time 12:07. I sighed, "I gotta go home Chat." I didn't move though. Everything was so comfortable and calm it almost felt wrong to move.

"Y-yeah I guess it's time." Chat sighed. He looked at me and smiled. It was the usual Chat Noir smile. "Come on I'll take you home." He picked me up again. I chuckled "Kitty."

Adrien's POV

I put Marinette down on her balcony. "Um, ya. I mean ya see ugh I...Bey Chat!" Marinette stuttered. I laughed "Whats wrong princess? Cat got your tongue." I teased. She got a hold of my bell.

This was the first time I looked at Marinette's eyes, I mean really looked at them. Examine them, memorize every detail. The beautiful blue bell eyes. "I umm-" I was lost for words just by staring at a beautiful girl. Now that I really look at her she looks a lot like Ladybug.

"Chat you dum-" Everything, all my thoughts, worries, dreams went away. I kissed Marinette. I felt in sync as her lips touched mine. She stopped "You dumb flirt." She chuckled. I smiled "I'll see you soon princess." I kissed her hand and went off.

I got to my house and transformed back into little old Adrien. Plagg came out "I thought you loved Ladybug." Plagg said. I started changing into my Pj's. "I do Plagg. Just when I looked at Mari's eyes it reminded me of Ladybug." I said.

"So you only kissed Marinette because she looks like Ladybug," Plagg said with a frown. "No! Yes...I don't know! I was so comfortable with Mari and she was so nice it seemed kind of different to me in a way." I said laying down in my bed.

"Why can't Mari be Ladybug that would be easier," I exclaimed. "Uhh kid sh-" I heard Plagg stop as if he was uncertain about something. "Go to sleep kid. I'm tired." He said finally. "K...well good night Plagg," I said. "Yeah yeah."

Why did I fall for Mari so suddenly?

(A/N) Short chapter, sorry!

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