Chapter Eighteen

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C H A P T E R   E I G H T E E N


Marinette's POV

I woke up at the sound of screams. 

"Tikki spots on!" I yelled jumping out of my bed. 

The gush of magic transformed me into Ladybug. I ran out of my house to see a woman with white hair and a green attire (that looked like something from the medieval times) was floating around cackling. 

"Get rid of here, for thy, Riddler is here." She yelled sending horrid laugh afterward. "Sorry, but no riddling today," I said landing in front of her. 

"How about we get rid of her instead," Chat said. I chuckled grabbing my yo-yo and spinning it to prepare a throw. I attacked her with yo-yo but she dodged it. 

"You sure you want to threaten me?" She smirked. "You don't want to make you love ones weary isn't that true deary?"

Before I could say anything she grabbed a hold of me with this magic force.

I felt as I lost the ability to move my body. My eyes closed until I was in a dream state.

Adrien's POV

"Ladybug!" I yelled.

Her body was limp in the air. I growled ready to attack Riddler.

"Nah ah, kitty we want to keep this one pretty," Riddler said as she raised Ladybug higher up.

"Wh-what do you want?" I asked bitterly. "Well I hope you know her well, cuz if you don't she's going down the well."

"Your riddle's are terrible." I blurted out.

"Sorry that the author isn't good with riddle's!" She yelled. "That doesn't matter, you have three riddle's to answer or the bug," She paused cackling.

"D-I-E-S." She continued with her horrible wretched voice. 

I looked at my partner that was in the sky. She was in a vulnerable position. 

I sighed, "Fine."

"Yay! Now now how about her fears?" She smirked.

"Huh?" I muttered.

Great, I'm not the one with figuring out stuff.

Then I remembered the first time we met.

She was insecure and doubting herself. She was afraid of failure, like most people.

"Of... failing?" I said unsure about my answer.

"You did well, now how about the now!" She yelled. A mist came out of a weird looking stick.

I felt dizzy as the mist hit me. My mind wasn't able to process what was happening.

I blacked out.

Marinette's POV

"Chat!" I screamed.

I looked around and saw I was in my room.

"Marinette!" I heard a yell.


The trapped door opened and I saw Adrien storm in.

"Adr-" Before I could say anything he placed his lips on mine.

For a moment they felt familiar. The same love I've felt before, I pulled away realizing I kissed back.


My cheeks a bright red as Adrien stared at me.

"I love you purrincess." He whispered hugging me.

"What?! Adrien I-"

"Plagg claws out!" He yelled interrupting me.

I saw as a green magic circled around him.

"C-Chat..." I said softly.

How could I be so dense?!

"Marinette I...needed to tell you. I couldn't hid-"

I did something I never thought I would do.

"Tikki spots on!"

I stood there while he smiled.

"I knew it was you."



"Pay up Author~Chan," Meli said. I sighed, "Fine here." I handed her one hundred bucks.

She stared at me with a 'really?' look on her face.

"One hundred bucks, after I had to say all those terrible riddle's." She barked at me.

"Look you're going to be the dragon miraculous holder in a book I'm working in kay!"

She sighed, "Make sure it has a better plot than this one." And with that, she left.

"This was my first fanfiction!" I yelled.

"Welp better start working on Cat Fight."

(A/N) I AM SO SORRY. I feel bad for this sucky last chapter. I couldn't with this book anymore. There will be a last bonus chapter because the paw-mazing Ladybug1077 asked for it. So this book came to an end, want more go to Cat Fight. See ya kitties!

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