Chapter Three

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C H A P T E R     T H R E E


Marinette's POV

I went inside my room when Tikki flew out. "What was that Marinette?" She asked. I sighed "I...don't know. Chat kissed me and I didn't refuse or...I'm confused." I said. I sat down and stared at the wall. "Don't you like Adrien!" Tikki screamed. "I do but...Chat was so kind and comforting. He reminded me of Adrien." I smiled.

"So you kissed Chat because he reminded you of Adrien," Tikki said with a frown. "I...don't know Tikki. Why can't Chat just be Adrien...that way I wouldn't feel guilty." I sighed and got up. I started putting on my pj's. "Marinette...Chat...he is-" Tikki stopped and sighed. "I think... you should give Chat a chance," Tikki said. I got into my bed "But I'm confused. What if Chat likes just Marinette and me like Adrien and...Chat." I said. "I'm sure he'll understand just...give him a chance Mari." I sighed and went to sleep.

Adrien's POV

I woke up by phone having a seizure. Forty texts from Nino about a hundred from Ayla and one from Chloe. "I should of guess that Nino and Ayla would spam me for not coming to their party. It was worth it though." I smiled and opened Chloe text first. It was a picture of me 'hanging out' with her last night. "Well if you were spending it with Chloe, it sure isn't worth it." Plagg groaned still tired. "I want Camembert," Plagg added.

I jumped up and changed. "I can't believe she would stoop that low," I muttered. "It's Chloe! So about that Camembert." I got my book bag. "Well I'm done with Chloe's lies I'm going to confront her," I said. Plagg hid in my bag while I went out of the house. The Gorilla was there ready to take me to school.

In the car, I looked at the other messages. [Nino] Mari left heartbroken dude. You spent time with Chloe instead of your bro's party. That's low dude. The rest of the messages were pretty much the same thing. [Alya] Your gonna have it. I'm going to break you. I thought you were my friend...OUR friend! Ayla texted threats to kill me and the same thing pretty much.

I got out the car and went inside the school. Everyone was staring at me. I saw Chloe smirking I went up to her. "Adri-kins!" Chloe greeted me. "No Chloe! I'm sick and tired of your dumb lies. I wasn't with you last night so why did you lie to my friends and say I was. I know that was photo shop or something! I don't want you jeopardizing my relationships with my friends!" I yelled. I looked around, everybody was in shock. Chloe took off crying and I just sighed and went to my class.

I sat down and Nino patted me on the back. "It's cool dude I believe you," Nino said. "Thanks, bro." I sighed. He got up and went up with Ayla. "Nino!" I yelled. "I believe you but I'm sitting with my girl." He said kissing Ayla cheek. "And don't worry I believe you too. Who knows what that which is capable of." Ayla said. I sighed thanks and just stared into oblivion.

I saw Marinette come in. "Nino your in my spot." She said. I couldn't help but look at her. "Sorry girl he's sitting here today." Ayla smiled. Marinette looked like she wanted to kill Ayla as she sat down next to me. "Mari...I just want yo-" I was saying before an akumatised Chloe came in. "Crusher here and get prepared to have your heart crushed!" She yelled.

I hid under the table right away. Something made me pull Marinette down with me. "A-Adrien!" She yelled whispered. "Stay here it's too dangerous, please," I said. She looked at me and hugged me. Sure it was surprising but doesn't mean it didn't feel wonderful. "I understand that Chloe's ok...I believe you." She smiled. It warmed my heart a little.

"Adri-kins! Where are you?" The Crusher called. I peeked up and saw she left the room. I got up "I'll go get help. Stay here." I told Marinette. She nodded her head. I ran into the guys' bathroom.

"You know you're the crush that broke her heart right," Plagg said coming out. "Don't remind me," I said. "Plagg claws out!"

Plagg got sucked into the ring. I was now Chat Noir. I ran out and saw Crusher. "Hi, kitty get prepared to be crushed!" Crusher yelled. "Sorry, the only person that can crush my heart is Ladybug," I responded.

Marinette's POV

I looked around. No one was here. "Tikki spots on!" I yelled. I transformed to Ladybug. I ran out of the classroom. There I saw Crusher and Chat fighting.

"Could use your help LB!" Chat yelled blocking off Crusher. I ran to help. I wrapped crush with my yo-yo. "Good job M'lady." Chat bowed.

"It's not over yet. Now, where's her akuma?" I muttered. I saw Crusher have her phone in her hand. That's where she spreads the lies. "Her phone Chat," I said.

Chat went to grab her phone when she pressed a button. Thankfully Chat blocked it. "Think it was going to be that easy Ladybug." She yelled and pressed a button on her phone.

She got out of my yo-yo and ran towards me. I jumped over her and ran out of the school with Chat. "So she's Dark Cupid and Lady Wifi wrapped up in one." Chat said.

"I guess, but we need to get that akuma before she crushes everyone's heart," I said. "You could crush me anytime." He smirked coming closer to my face. I groaned and pushed his face away.

"How about we crush her instead of flirting," I said. "Let's go, M'lady." He said.

Adrien's POV

"Pound it!" We said. I looked at my ring. I still have a couple of minutes. "Gotta run M'lady. Until next time." I bowed and went inside the school.

I was looking for Marinette see if she was ok. When I saw her come into the school. "Princess!" I yelled. She stood there in shock. "I think we should talk about yesterday," I said.

"Y-yeah me too," Marinette muttered. "Can I come to your house?" I asked. She nodded her head yes. I looked at my ring. Only a minute left. I kissed her hand "See ya later princess." I ran out of the school.

I hid behind a dumpster. "What about Ladybug?" Plagg said. I sighed, I still love Ladybug but something about Marinette turns me on. "I'll figure it out."

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