Chapter Sixteen

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C H A P T E R    S I X T E E N


Adrien's POV

"It's Valentine's Day and I haven't bought Mari anything! Oh my gosh what am I going to do Plagg!"

Ever since Mari and I got back together I wasn't up to date. I was just enjoying my time with her I didn't really care about anything else.

Then this morning Nino accidentally sends me a disturbing picture that was meant for Alya. I hope so because I'm scared for life now.

Either way, the caption said it was Valentine's day! Now I've been freaking out as I got ready for school.

"Calm down kiddo just get her Camembert," Plagg said.

"Yeah how about no. It would be like if I was kissing you." I shivered at the thought of kissing Plagg. "You're lost."

I looked at the time, 7:55. I smirked, hopefully, my princess is on her way to school.

"Plagg claws out!"

Marinette's POV

"I'm late I'm late I'm late and I'm late again!" If you couldn't tell, I'm late.

I was about to run toward the school doors when something jumped in front of me. I almost fell backward when someone held me up.

"Hi, purrincess." Of course, it was Chat.

"Hey, Ch...a...t." He was holding a singular white rose in his hand. "Happy Valentine's Day." He chuckled smiling at me.

"T-thanks." He took my hand and put the rose in it. "Je t'aime Marinette." He spoke softly.

My cheeks got warm as I wasn't expecting to bombarded with love this early in the morning. I was feeling flustered and embarrassed.

"Y-you can't do that to someone before going to school!" I yelled. My eyes grew wide when the realization hit me, school. I hit him in the chest.

"Shit school!"

"Langue!" Chat yelled dramatically. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"I got to go but Chat-" I gave him a peck on the lips.

Though it was short, it seemed like the world froze. No one else mattered in that second. Only me and him.

"Je t'aime."

I saw his face grow red as I ran inside the school.

I got inside my classroom to see Alya motioning me to sit down. I ran up to my seat next to her and sighed.

"You're lucky the teacher isn't here yet," Alya said. "Yeah hi to you too." I laughed. "Hi princess!" Alya said sarcastically.

I smiled.

I looked at the rose he got me.

"Je t'aime Marinette."

"Umm girl?" Alya waved her hand in front of me. "Huh?"

"You spaced out when I said, princess." She said. Before I could respond the door slammed in.


He stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before rushing to his seat.

"Hey look your prince is like you too!" Alya teased. "Hardy har har," I said giving her a face.

"Anyways Nino is taking me on a date tonight." She smiled. Then again, I couldn't say anything because the teacher came in.

"I'm sorry about bei-"

Screams and crashes interrupted her. "You got to be kidding me!" The teacher yelled.

Everyone stared at her with shock. "Just go home or hide somewhere." She muttered plopping her self down.

We looked at each other for a moment and ran out.

I took the rose and ran into the bathroom.

No one was there.

"Tikki spots on!"

The magic transformed me to Ladybug.

I looked around and saw the rose was in my hair. I giggled and went out into the action.

I saw Chat fighting a huge bulky dude. Then a shiny silver item was inches - no- centimeters away from hitting me.

"Ladybug!" Chat yelled.

His eyes were filled with fear and relief. I looked at what almost hit me...a knife.

I gasped.

I could have died right there.

I ran up to Chat. He hugged me tightly, "I can't lose you bugaboo." He whispered. When I saw the bulky dude come up behind Chat.

I pushed Chat to the left and with my yo-yo pulling the man to the ground.

"Do you know where his akuma is?!" I yelled.

"It's in his pin!" I admittedly grab the pun and broke it.

The akuma flew out, "No more evil doing for you, you nasty bug!" I trapped the akuma purifying it.

I threw my yo-yo up, "Miraculous Ladybug!" Everything went back to normal.

I turned to Chat.

He was breathing heavily and sweat in his forehead.

"Chat... I..."

*Beep Beep*

He looked down in his ring and ran away.

I could have died.

Adrien's POV

I de-transformed in an ally. I sat down, "Hey kiddo you alright?" Plagg asked.

"No my partner almost got a knife through the head," I exclaimed.

"Um hi?" I looked up to see Ladybug landing next to me.

"H-hey." I forced a smile.

I noticed a bright white rose in her hair.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

That rose seemed familiar.

"Don't know...I guess I'm just sad that no one will really love me." I faked.

I already have someone that loves me. And she has the exact same rose.

I just need to see something

"Adrien...I um oh!" She took the rose out of her hair. "Someone furry special gave it to me," She smiled at the rose. "You should have it."

"T-thanks," I said.

How could I've been so blind?

"No problem! And remember someone out there loves you." He swung her yo-yo and left.

"I know," I mumbled.


(A/N) Dun duh daaa! He knows! Next chapter will be a date for s'more fluff. See ya kitties!

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